Thuja is well known among the gardeners and enjoys well-deserved glory, because it is a luxurious evergreen beauty. Under favorable conditions, it can reach 15 meters, but more miniature species choose for decorating areas and parks. It is quite sensitive to the landing conditions, so it seeks to create the most favorable conditions. So that the plant does not die you need to know what time of year what conditions are needed.
Trick Sadovodov
- When buying seedlings of the future plants, all attention is focused on the root system, especially at its location. The choice is stopped on those sprouts where the rhizome of seedlings is hidden completely.
Saplings in a container or wrapped burlap are preserved longer and in the future prose are coming, especially if the landing is planned for autumn. - The longer the thua will live in a pot - the less she has a chance to successfully take root in the garden land, so after buying the seedlings are planted almost immediately.
If you plan to plant seeds, then the composition of sheet, conifer and garden lands is introduced into the soil. - This mixture is stirred with sand, seed plant into it and are covered with glass container for the greenhouse effect.
Capacity is raised every day for venting. When seedlings appear, they prepare separate pots with gravel drainage with coal. Each sprout is transplanted into a separate pot, where it grows until it is ready to "move" to the garden. - Tui cuttings are seeded at the end of summer, while the cuttings themselves complate from the village who has reached the age of 3 years. The length of the sprouts should be about 20 cm. They are cut in such a way that the branch remains a piece of "mother tree" with a length of 5 cm. Maximum. This piece is cleaned with a knife, processed by heteroacexin and plant in the ground with a mixture of sand and peat.
- After planting to the ground, wet a slight solution of manganese and loose. The sprout is planted to a depth of up to 2 cm. The seedlings are processed by means of parasites and fungi.
- Thua has its own sympathies and antipathy. For example, peonies and asters next to the Thuy die. Experimed by gardeners came to the conclusion that she was safe to plant such deciduous shrubs with flower beds as spiries, cypresses with hosts. Also permissible to plant a dwarf juniper with hydrangea and associates.
Features of the Spring Tui Planting
Among the seedlings are taken by a plant with closed roots and proceed to landing. The place for the "constant habitat" of the thui is chosen on the illuminated area or in a half. In the dark areas, the thua will not be able to completely develop, her crown will be rare and small.
- The quality of the soil does not play a special role - the thua grows perfectly on any soils, but prefers a mixture of soil with leaves and sand. Soil take two times more than leaves and sand for mixing.
Take into account the landscape and the selected grade of the car, after which the distance between the seedlings determine. More than 5 meters can not be done. - After that, they dig a hole about 80 cm. Deep into the meter wide. It is necessary not to damage the root seedlings system. They transplant them together with an earthen koph, after extracting from the pot without shaking the earth with the roots.
- Before planing to the ground is made up to 15 kg. Organic fertilizers and up to 3 kg. Ash, after that, and transplantation takes place. In the process of gardeners act very carefully, because with the damaged roots of Tui is unlikely to be taken in a new place.
- After planning, it is fed by epinoma, and then every 15 days - potassium doses with phosphorus. She will need watering just once every 7 days, but in the case of hot summer without rains it is watered twice a week.
Secrets Autumn Tui landing
Thuja is a thermo-loving plant and in the cool autumn is very bad. The autumn landing of the Tui has always been for the gardeners a controversial issue, because there are only 10% of the likelihood that the thua will be able to take root during the cold.
To increase its chances of survival, gardeners comply with a number of rules that helps Tui to root.
- For Tui, they prepare a pit, the sizes of which are three times superior to its pot, especially in width. The bottom is lined with a mixture of chernozem and peat or compost. In case of dampness and gravity of the soil, an additional drainage layer is made.
- Its width is not more than 15 cm, and the composition is a mixture of bricks, pebbles or rubble. When the seedlove is transplant, buried it into the ground so that his neck is not lower than the level of land. After that, the plant is abundantly watered. The next seedling is planted at a distance of at least meter from the previous one.
- Mulch the peat or bark. It is a mulch that saves it from the cold. After disembarking, they watered every 7 days, and then twice in 14 days.
- Despite the fact that Tuya loves sunlight, put it mainly in the early or later clock. During the cold, the Thuja turns yellow and loses the foliage. This is a natural reaction to the cold, which cannot be stopped. The best time for the Tui landing is at the beginning of autumn.
- Snow with the Tui sprouts advise to shake - its branches are not able to withstand a large load and can break. Winter thuja can in burlap, not a tight joined twitch. Her roots are covered with foliage so that they do not dry and do not frozen.
In landing, there is nothing complicated even for an inexperienced gardener. In fact, this plant is demanding only to heat, all other conditions are chosen taking into account the type of seedlings.