How to put a computer on the timer

How to put a computer on the timer

This feature is useful for many people. For example, when the user wants to put on a jump, any bulk file from the film before a full-fledged game, but does not want to load his computer, causing to work all night. Therefore, it will be advisable to put the auto-shut-off timer for the period that the file download will occupy.

Many ways about how to put a computer not only on auto power, but also a reboot. All stages are somehow suitable for any operating system, there are no special differences in them.

How to put a computer for a timer using built-in Windows

Activation of the timer installed on the countdown allows you to specify the timeout only in seconds. 7200 sec. \u003d 2 o'clock, 14400 seconds. \u003d 4 o'clock, etc.

Below is the command table and their designation:

Command Purpose
shutdown / s / t n Disconnect the computer by n seconds.
shutdown / r / t n Restarting a computer by n seconds.
shutdown / A. Allows you to cancel all the above commands.

How it works? Suppose we want to turn off the computer after 10 hours:

  • Click the Windows + R key combination or click right-click on the Start menu - "Run".
  • In the window that appears, type "Shutdown / S / T 36000".

  • We see the inscription "Your session will be completed."
  • Ready, the computer will be turned off through the specified number of seconds.

  • To cancel shutdown, enter "Shutdown / a". Perhaps it will seem to you that constantly enter the same thing is uncomfortable. To do this, a label of auto power off or reboot is created.

How to put a computer on the timer - create a shortcut

First option

  • Right-click on an empty desktop field.
  • Select "Create", "Label".

  • In the window that appears, specify the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Shutdown.exe directory, but also add values \u200b\u200b/ s and / t as in the screenshot.

  • We specify the name of the label.

The next time you need to disable the computer, it will be enough to click on the label twice.

Option second

Creating a .bat file. It is enough to open this file, how to use the user to set the time before turning off or reboot.

  • Create a text document.
  • In notepad, enter this command:

  • We save. "File", "Save as ...".
  • Select the type of files - "All Files".
  • We specify the name and change .txt format on .bat.

  • If you need to turn off the PC, then instead of "shutdown / r / t" specify "shutdown / s / t". Now, when the file is opening, a window will appear in which you want to specify the time through which the PC will turn off.

How to put a computer on a timer using task scheduler

This is a special Windows tool that is intended to create and perform various actions at the specified time. From previous options, it is distinguished by universality and flexibility to the purpose of the exact time and frequency of execution.

  • We are looking for a job scheduler, open.
  • Click on the "job scheduler library" and create a simple task.

  • We write a description and name of our task. All that we want.
  • Click "Next."
  • We choose the periodicity of the task, let's say "daily".
  • "Further".
  • Select the date with which the task and time will be started.
  • "Further".
  • Install the box opposite the "Run the program" item.
  • "Further".
  • In the "Program or Script" window that appears the "Shutdown" function, and in the next line, add "/ S / F" arguments to shut down or "/ R / F" - to reboot.

  • "Further".
  • Clay "Finish", now the task will be activated every day to the user specified time.

How to cancel the task:

  • Return to the job scheduler window.
  • Go to the "Task Planner Library" menu.
  • We are looking for the necessary and delete, stop or performing.

There are many programs in order to put a computer on auto power off. All of them have approximately the same functional and part of the application are very simple. But if you need to limit the time to use someone from users, they are unreliable, because to cancel their action it is enough to disable them.

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