How to change the password in Sberbank online

How to change the password in Sberbank online

If your password from Sberbank's service is under threat or you constantly forget it, then the password change will be the best solution in this situation. The password change procedure will take only a few minutes, it does not require anything other than your phone at hand. Read all the items of this article to change the password from Sberbank online.

Go to the Personal Cabinet Sberbank online by entering your actual login and password, as well as confirming your input SMS code.

On the main page of the service you will see your name and patronymic in the upper corner on the right. Just click on them once the mouse.

You will find yourself in your Sberbank profile. Here you are available information about your documents, phone numbers, registration and a variety of other personal data. Now you can see how important it is to keep the password from the Sberbank network with you and not to report anyone.

Click on the "Security and Accessories" string in the left menu.

In the window that opens, you will immediately see a list of green links to changing the online bank options. Click on the second password change line.

Immediately, a pop-up window with three fields will appear: First you need to enter your current password or it will be already entered, since you have logged in to the system using it. The second line is used to enter a new password that you have come up with, and in the third you just need to repeat the new password to protect yourself from error when entering the first time.

Please note the password from Sberbank online must contain at least eight characters, there must be at least one digit in it, or at least one letter of the Latin alphabet. The system will not give you to enter four times in a row one and the same symbol for the sake of preservation and reliability of the password. Also, the online bank password cannot enter four characters, which are located near the keyboard horizontally. For example, you will not be able to enter a combination "1234" or "QWER".

When creating a password, many characters are available to you, for example: "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "", "*", "(", ")" "_", "-", "+", ":", ";", ",", "."
But you can enter them no more than three pieces for the entire password. And, of course, the login coincidence will also not let you create a password.

Password update in Sberbank online is a fairly simple process, but it requires a thorough study of the rules for creating the password itself, as well as some time to come up with it, according to all conditions.

With such a password, your card will be under reliable protection.

Comments leave a comment
Basil 02/10/2017 at 9:49.

When changing the password in the personal account or upon receipt in the terminal, for example, it remains also in force!

To answer
Yorgen. 10/31/19 at 19:03.

Nichrome he does not give to change the password!
One window with entering the current password and that's it! Sailing on the phone the next crazy set of digurism and that's it! What kind of password speech !!!!
Got a new card and now fucking instead of the usual password!
Sberbank - Your client care is simply freezing in the trash !!!!!

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