How to turn off the piggy bank in Sberbank online

How to turn off the piggy bank in Sberbank online

Sberbank of Russia is famous for its functionality. Consider such a function as "piggy bank" and how to deactivate it. Not all customers of this bank wish to use this service.

Functionality piggy bank in Sberbank

Cash is deducted from the Sberbank card automatically on specified settings. The owner of the card can independently determine the conditions for postponing money. There are 3 variations of cash accumulation, namely:

  • "Piggyback" for a fixed amount. The client itself specifies the parameters of the amount or date of write-off a certain amount.
  • "Piggy bank" from expenses. A set percentage of various costs from the card is written off.
  • "Piggy bank" from accruals. The owner of the map itself determines the percentage of the amount of enrollment.


How to disable the service Piggy from Sberbank - Instructions

You can deactivate money accumulation service in several ways:

  • In the Sberbank branch.
  • In the contact center.
  • In the Sberbank service online.

When contacting the Sberbank office, you must provide a document that certifies the identity. It may be a passport, passport, rights. Also, with you, you need to have a Sberbank card. All this is necessary to confirm that you are a bank client and the card owner. The bank employee will turn off the service and translates the remaining funds to another card or remove the balance of money.

When contacting the support service, ask the operator to turn off the deposit. To do this, he will ask you:

  • passport details;
  • card number;
  • accounts account number;
  • account number or other card for translating the remaining money.

To disable the "Piggy Bank" service using Sberbank Online service:

  • transfer the balance of cash to another card if they are available by entering the "Payments and Translations" section;
  • open tab "Deposits and Accounts";
  • choose your account you are interested in;
  • in the list of operations, select the "Piggy Bank" service, if there are several of them, then select the necessary one;
  • in the window that opens, press "Disable" in the left corner, you can also pause the service process or set up conditions;
  • confirm this operation using SMS.

Disable the "Piggy Bank" service will not take much time if you adhere to the aforementioned instruction. You can also without much effort to configure the service at any time completely free.

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