How to add a map in Sberbank online

How to add a map in Sberbank online

In the service "Sberbank online" it is convenient to control your accounts and cards at any time through the Internet. All customers of the bank have access to this function. If the application does not displays one of your cards, most likely, the cards are open in different banking offices or has a problem in the system. If you opened a new card, it should appear in the appendix during the day. To add a map to the program "Sberbank online" follow the following instructions:

Select the "My Maps" section. Then click on the "Add Maps" button.

In the window that appears, enter the latest numbers and abbreviation names of the desired card.

If you want the list of cards to be displayed in the order of significance, slide the sequence number in the corresponding field.

In most cases, these actions are enough to independently add a Sberbank card in an online application. If this did not happen, contact any branch of the bank personally and write a statement. Experts will find out the cause of the error and add a map to your mobile bank.

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