How to restore the map of Sberbank

How to restore the map of Sberbank

The bank card may be unusable if you damage its magnetic strip. In this case, you will need to contact the Department for the restoration of a damaged card. Also, when you steal the card you need to immediately block the account, and only then restore the card again. How to do in various situations, as well as order a card reissue, read in this article.

To restore the card through your personal account. You need to click on the "Card Reissue" field in the options of your debit card and fill all the necessary information on the screen. To do this, go to Sberbank online.

On the main page of your personal office in the green cap from above, find the "Maps" tab and click on it for detailed information on your Sberbank cards.

Click on the "Operation" field. In the drop-down list you will be available to "order a reestup".

All you need further is to enter your card information, as well as personal data. Do not forget that the transfer of this data to unauthorized persons is strictly prohibited, to ensure your safety. You will require such data as: place of residence and place of release of the last card, the card validity period and the still protective code on the reverse side, passport details.

If you do not remember any of these data, or the procedure requires special urgency, you will have to contact the Bank directly. To find out where the closest is located, you can always link to the official website of Sberbank of Russia: Just select the region and check the word "compartment". Do not forget to take a passport with you on mandatory.

In the event that no damage occurred, but the steal of the card, and at the moment the bank card is in the hands of intruders, hurry to block your account through your personal account. To do this, return to the Card operations page and select the Red Word "Block" list. Thus, you will protect your tools from unexpected write-off.

The recovery procedure is a complete cancellation of your current card and its subsequent reissue with a new PIN code, a validity and protection code. The former will remain the counting number and the card number. Faster you can restore Sberbank's bank card in the department in which it was originally received.

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