How to change the sleepyk

How to change the sleepyk

On the favorite pair the shoes were worn out? Not trouble, it is easy to replace it in the workshop. But, as it was called, the time to attribute the shoes there catastrophically lacks, but I want to wear a favorite couple now. Usually, when buying shoes in the box, spare audits always go, which are easy to replace in a few minutes.

In order to replace the audit, you will need a set of tools, among which should be a hammer, pliers, glue, knife, sandpaper and bar, which performs the functions of the shoe foot. You can use the tab of the stuff. In some cases, it may be necessary to have nippers or booths.

Before installing the new audit, you must neatly eliminate the worn out. Most often, it is at this stage most problems arise. To avoid them, follow the following advice. For a start in the gap between the heel and the old knob, I wake a knife. Make it need from the inside of the heel. In this case, even if you damage it a little, it will not get into the eyes. Rocking the knife, rating the kit over the entire perimeter. Now use pliers. Gently clamp them the bait and, turning it around its axis, pull on yourself. But you may encounter one nuisance - the outer part of the audit can freely move away, leaving a metal pin inside the heel.

The most important error that cannot be allowed when removing the pin is to continue to paint the pliers. In this case, the sticking tip of the pin will simply blunt, and later even the wizard is difficult to pull it out. Also in this way you can damage the heel so much that it will be impossible to put a new audit. In order not to damage the plane of the heel, use the windows. Grab the pine hat and, slightly scrolling, pull out the heel.

Take a suitable kit. Before installing, try it on the heel of your shoes. The knobber pin should be tightly and hardly passed into the hole. If the new audit easily slipped inside, then it will slip back with the same ease. So that this does not happen, you need to expand the pin of the knob. To do this, use the hammer. Put the bait on a flat surface and neatly flatter the tip of the pin. Prepare a heel shuffles. Walk to sandpaper on the base of the heel, then wipe with a soft cloth and degrease.

We will proceed to install a new audit. Another common mistake that unprofessional masters allow is to immediately score the sleepy to the end. If she did not immediately exactly in the form of a heel, the bait will not be able to align. Therefore, carefully place a shuffle with a heel on a bar or a stool and hammer the bait about a third, if necessary, hang a bit with the help of pliers. So phasately hammer the sleepy until the end. Please note that the further you drive it, the harder will be equal. So that it keeps more firmly - you can wove the pin with glue.

If you decide to use the help of a shoemaker to install new machines, select the material correctly. It is worth considering the conditions in which you most often use shoes. So, if the durability is an important characteristic, it is worth putting metal widths. It is advisable to use for shoes with a thin heel. The lack of metal beams is a loud knock when walking. If the heel is wide enough, correctly put polyurethane audit. They are durable and sufficiently silent.

Change the cliffs on the pair of the shoes - the case of five minutes in the hands of an experienced master. But even the unprofessional will cope with this task quite easily, if you follow these instructions.

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