How to use a fire extinguisher

How to use a fire extinguisher

The presence of a fire extinguisher in the room does not indicate that people and material values \u200b\u200bare safe. They still need to be able to use. Purchase these theoretical knowledge is better not in time of the fire, but at the stage of acquiring and installing fire extinguishing facilities.

Types of fire extinguishers

Depending on the type of impact of the working substance on the focus of fire extinguishers of fire extinguishers:

  • powder
  • foam
  • gas
  • water

Their choice depends on the volume of fire load, the size of the room in which the fire extinguisher is located, and the characteristics of the substances that are part of the fire extinguisher.

General rules of operation of fire extinguishers

Completely, an instruction that is usually applied to the surface of the fire extinguisher should be included. She says:

  • Take the fire extinguisher and transfer it as close as possible to the place of ignition.
  • Take a fill with a stop-starting device.
  • Swovel check (metal ring).
  • Direct the hose nozzle on fire. At the same time, keep in mind that the jet reaches a length of 3 meters.
  • Press the lever or unscrew the valve.

Fire extinguishing occurs in the direction from top to bottom and from the leeward side. Remember that the charge inside the unit is enough for 8-10 seconds. Smoothly move the hose to maximize the fire source as quickly as possible.

How to use a powder fire extinguisher

This is the most common type of fire extinguishers. They can be used to extinguish solid materials, including metals, liquids, gases, electrical appliances under voltage, but not higher than 1000 V.

In the closed room, the use of a powder fire extinguisher is a culprit of high dusting air. For this reason, it is not recommended to use in small rooms in which there are valuable equipment. Fire tamers must protect the respiratory organs from harmful evaporation.

How to use carbon dioxide fire extinguisher

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are struggling with explosion and fire hazardous fires, burning electrical installations from 1000 to 10,000 V. Effective in liquidation of flames in rooms with radio equipment, office equipment, museum exhibits and archival materials. They are hand and mobile.
A carbon dioxide acts as an active substance, so it is necessary to comply with safety techniques and be neat with metal parts of the fire extinguisher, since there is a risk of frostbite.

How to use an air foam fire extinguisher

Such a type of apparatus is allowed to guess only solid and liquid substances, because water includes water. Electrical devices are strictly prohibited. A feature of such a fire extinguisher is that it must be turned upside down and only then activate the shut-off device handle.

Before proceeding with fire extinguishing, appreciate its size and its capabilities. If the fire can not be localized by own forces, first call firefighters, and only then take measures to eliminate fire focus.

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