How to choose a video card to the motherboard and processor

How to choose a video card to the motherboard and processor

All components of your computer are quite quickly obsolete, because graphic editors, programs, as well as games, have a property being updated several times a year. If you have taken a newest computer with the most modern components two years ago, then today it will be considered an average of performance. When the user actively uses video or photo editors, often plays and in every way needs high performance - replacing the video card - only the question of time. If you are in such a situation and before you there is a task to choose a video card for a purchased processor and motherboard - this article is for you.

Is the motherboard important when choosing a video card

Usually, the video card is chosen in conjunction with the processor, as it is that that affect the performance of the computer in the future. The user does not pay attention to his motherboard, and then it detects that it does not manage to connect the video card. This happens due to the fact that each motherboard has its own connectors and they must coincide with the video card connectors.

To date, the most popular are connectors:

  • PCI-E 1 × 1;
  • PCI-E 1 × 4;
  • PCI-E 1 × 8;
  • PCI-E 1 × 16;
  • PCI-E 1 × 32;
  • PCI-E 2X;
  • PCI-E 3X;
  • PCI-E 4X.

The last three connectors are found on the most modern boards. Also, each name of the connector may carry the number of generation numbers. For example, PCI-E 1 × 32 second generation will be recorded as PCI-E 2 × 32, the third - PCI-E 3 × 32 and so on.

You can find out the number of the connector, looking at what your motherboard is, and then drive it into the browser search engine. If you want to make sure you can always write to the developer's website, all major firms actively support communication with users. Just specify your motherboard model and ask a question.

You can find out the model of the motherboard in the device manager through the control panel of your computer.

How to choose a video card under the processor

This is an important point, because in the bundle processor and the video card will actually create your performance. If you have a weak processor, then a powerful video card is able to slow down even stronger, and with a powerful processor, a weak video card will reduce performance so that you will not even feel the entire advantage of your new generation processor.

First of all, find out what frequency from your processor and what is his frequency of the tire. If your indicators are above 2.2 GHz and 2.0 GHz, respectively, then you can look after the gameplay video cards. These are the lowest indicators for a comfortable game or render video. Of course, a game type video card does not mean that you can take the best. The clock frequency of 2.2 GHz will allow you to buy a video card with the average indicators if you are drunk for the best - lose the performance of the already not very high.

Take an example of performance of 4.0 GHz and the number of cores equal to six. Such a good processor can safely be equipped with one of the best game video cards.

Video card manufacturers and their ruler

Unconditional market leaders are considered NVIDIA "GeForce" and AMD "Radeon". Their choice depends on your taste. For example, if you are a gamer and prefer a specific set of games that are well optimized for Radeon cards, you will look after this lineup. If you are a person who prefers to play a little and do a little in the editors, it is worth noting that the general optimization of the GEFORCE cards remains the best.

The name of the NVIDIA video cards are built on the principle of small to more, that is, the GeForce GT740 card is worse than the GeForce GTX 970 card. There are such names like GeForce GTX Titan X, but this is an exception and this card is considered to be a world leader, its price may be in the area one hundred thousand rubles.

Radeon with names are increasingly more difficult for the name, you will have to look for information on each card separately, the average values \u200b\u200bat the moment at the RADEON R7 380x card, and the highest - Radeon R9 Fury X.

The choice of video card is a responsible business, the main thing is to remember the important conjunction: a powerful processor requires a powerful video card, and a weak - weak card. The motherboard connector must coincide. Then there should be no problems with the choice.

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