How to clean samovar

How to clean samovar

Fashion for older is actively gaining momentum, so the vintage Russian samovars begin when conducting family gatherings and fenders instead of familiar electric kettle. Neaspeless lucky to whom the samovar got from the grandmother. In no case do not change it to a modern analogue, but disperse how to clean it from scale and plaque.

How to clean the copper samovar

If you want to clean the copper samovar, then pay attention to the gray-green flare. Its presence can be very detrimental to reflect on your health. So that copper began to glisten, it must be wiped with a mixture of vinegar, large salt and flour. Polishing should be made by mint with a newspaper or cloth. Exists Many other effective ways to cleanse samovar without the use of chemicals. You can wipe the surface of the lemon, then clean the brush and wash with water.

How to clean brass samovar

Samovar From brass is categorically not recommended to store indoors with high humidity. The product can be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in the ammonia alcohol. The brass is well cleaned with a solution of oxalic acid: 200 grams of acid takes on the water bucket. A solution is applied to the surface literally for 5 minutes, after which the Samovar needs to rinse well with food soda. After that, it is rinsed again with water and wipes dry.

How to clean a samovar from stainless steel

This material has the property to fill over time and covered by stains. To quickly clear the samovar from stainless steel, you need to moisten the tampon in vinegar and wipe it. The surface can be polished with soft tissue flap. Common is the method of using special gels and powders for cleaning kitchen stoves. Such measures have to be resorted due to the complexity of the purification of the stainless steel. As far as this method, this method is undesirable, the chemistry is undesirable, because this is the inner surface for boiling water.

Golden samovar

To clean the gold-plated samovar, it is necessary to use a rag moistened with turpentar, alcohol or denature. A mixture of egg protein and an 8% hypochlorite solution is also suitable. In order for the purified product to gain the original shine, soda is a solution of ammonic alcohol and a bora or a solution of ammonic alcohol and a dental powder.

Silver samovar

In no case use drugs to purify metal with strong acids and rude abrasives. Perhaps you do not need to get involved in much? In an old samovar, there should be a notch of some old old. Silver samovar can be cleaned with hyposulfite solution sodium - ON. Return the glitter of the silver surface.

Clean samovar from the inside

Skip - this is a sore place of each samovar. It can be removed in such ways:

  1. Buy a means to remove the plaque. Choose only what is suitable for cleaning the kettle, but not for a dishwasher or washing machine. Read the instructions and follow it strictly.
  2. Acetic acid can help - pour fluid inside and heat it up to 60 degrees. In this state, the acid needs to be left for several hours until it is a lipboard. After that, the product must be carefully solid.
  3. Not only acetic, but also citric acid can be used. Acid packs need to be diluted in water, pour the mixture into a samovar and boil. In such a state, the acid should stay in a samovar of about a day. Instead of acid, you can use a kilogram of lemons.
  4. With a small tax, weld in samovar 1 kilogram of potato cleaning. After a few hours, drain the water and remove the flare with the help of a soft sponge.
  5. If the samovar is quite clean, then it can be wiped with a rash with a detergent.

After cleaning, you definitely have disinfection. To do this, you can use manganese, divorced according to the instructions. It must be poured for 20 minutes.

Proper storage and careful attitude allow you to clean the sickness very rarely. For care it is necessary to select funds that are suitable for specific materials. If you want to clean the ancient samovar with medals and inscriptions, it makes sense to apply for high-quality cleaning to professionals.

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