How to brush the coffee machine

How to brush the coffee machine

Most people love the smell of coffee in the morning. A cup of fragrant drink always burst and configures on a working day. That is why you buy home the coffee machine, which will bring the process of making coffee to perfection. For drink always good quality, it is necessary to clean the device in time.

In this article, you will find detailed recommendations and tips, how to properly clean coffee machines at home.

How to clean the coffee machine - how to understand that the car is contaminated

Before cleaning the device, it is necessary to determine the degree of its contamination. Perhaps the cleaning time has not yet come.

  • Purchase coffee machine with built-in cleaning indicator. It will flash red and prompt when it is necessary to carry out the procedure.
  • If such a function is not provided for your model, then carefully look at the scale. You can notice it on the bottom of the cup after drinking coffee. Also, its presence can spoil the taste of the drink.
  • An increase in water heating time indicates the presence of a thick layer of scale on the water compartment.
  • In addition to scale in the car, grains, dried milk and residues of coffee oil can remain in the car. And this is an excellent environment for bacteria that contribute to worsening health.
  • Do not neglect the study of instructions for the device if you are not sure about cleaning.

How to brush the coffee machine - auto clean

The cleaning process becomes much simpler if there is a built-in self-cleaning function in the technique.

  • Remove the residues of coffee from tray and coffee grinders.
  • Pour hot water into the tank, fill it in completely to the maximum mark.
  • Add special cleaning agents for coffee machines. Close the lid.
  • Turn on the "Tailiff" mode and wait for it.
  • After disconnecting the equipment, you need to rinse it yourself. Pour clean water and select the usual coffee cooking mode. Repeat the procedure 2 times.
  • Then make a drink, but do not drink it. This coffee is prepared only for cleaning purposes.

How to clean the coffee machine - manual way

If your model coffee makers No function "Tailiff", then remove the scale will have to manually. This process is not completely complex.

  • You will have to buy decalcining agents that are made specifically for coffee machines.
  • Fill water into the container, add a cleaner solution and turn on the maximum cooking mode.
  • Then use purified water to clean the machine. Repeat the procedure 4 times.
  • The final phase of cleaning is to prepare coffee a couple of times, but it is impossible to use it.

After such procedures, the remnants of cleansing means are completely removed.

Instead of chemicals, it is possible to use citric acid or table vinegar. Before using them, make sure that it can be done for your model. Since acetic acid can spoil the surface.

Cleaning process with citric acid:

  • Divide the powder in water at the rate of: one liter of water 30 grams of lemon. Fill the liquid into the tank, and select Espresso Preparation Mode.
  • Leave the solution for four hours inside the apparatus and then rinse well with warm water.
  • If you use the table vinegar, then dive it with two parts of water.

Important! It is categorically imposed to exceed the specified dose to clean the coffee machine, otherwise you can spoil it.

How to clean the coffee machine - cleaning the cappuccinator

Special care needs a cappinator. Unlike the general cleansing of technology, it needs daily care. Since milk passes through it, the remnants of which contribute to the formation of mold and harmful bacteria.

  • Remove the compartment with milk, put the container with clean water in its place and select Cappuccino Preparation Mode.
  • Check full cleaning of the cabin easily: if the water is clean, the device is completely cleaned.

How to reduce the number of cleaning coffee machines

To clean the apparatus less often, it is important to adopt a number of preventive measures and actions.

  • Skip will form much less if the purified water is pouring into the tank. To do this, pre-pass it through the filter or purchase the bottles already cleaned.
  • In some models there are built-in filters for purifying water, be sure to follow their degree of contamination and change in a timely manner.
  • The quality of coffee is as important. If you often use a powder or grain of a little-known manufacturer, the technique will climb much faster.
  • In any case, the device must be cleaned at least once every six months. Even if you use a coffee machine only in the morning.
  • Regardless of the manufacturer and brand of technology, take care of it daily. Clean the cappinamer tubes and the welding blocks after each use, change the filters in a timely manner.
  • For complete cleansing, use decalcining tablets that will get rid of the technique from scale. Make it with the help of citric acid powder will not succeed.

Clear the coffee machine for cooking coffee is easy, the main thing is to regularly care for it and change filters. And then you can enjoy a cup of fragrant drink for a longer time.

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