How to restart the computer using the keyboard

How to restart the computer using the keyboard

Sometimes you need to urgently restart the computer. What to do in such cases? All computers have hot keys to such a case. This article will tell you how to restart the computer using the keyboard.

Consider several ways:

Method 1

In order to restart the computer (newer versions of the operating system), you must simultaneously clamp the three keys: Ctrl + Alt + Del. After that, the window will be released with the list of functions. You do not need it. Look at the lower right corner and you will see the shutdown icon. Click on it and select the "Restart" option. For computers with the operating system below Windows 8, this method will not suit.

Method 2

There is a way for users of other versions of Windows. In order to restart the computer using the keyboard, you must do the following:

  • Click Win key. It is located next to the space, the left of the Alt key.

  • After that, the "Start" menu will be released, in which you want to click on the small arrow next to the "Completion" block.

  • In the drop-down menu, select the "Restart" option.

Method 3.

This method requires you follows:

  • Press the ALT + F4 key combination. Note that if some program, a folder, browser, and in general, are open on the screen of your computer, and in general, it will close. The combination of these keys is also used to quickly closing windows and applications. In this case, you must use the combination of these keys while on the desktop. There is no F4 key on the on-screen keyboard, but you can see its standard location.

  • After clicking, a window will be released in which you will need to select the "Restart" option. This window allows not only to restart, but turn off the computer, send it into sleep mode, etc.

Method 4.

  • In addition to all this, if some of the keys does not work, you can call the keyboard on the computer itself. To do this, you need to drive the word "keyboard" in search (you can not completely, the result will be released after the first three letters), select the resulting result with the corresponding name.

  • In the next menu, you must enable this feature by clicking on a kind of switch. You will see the inscription "Off".

All of the four methods will help you quickly and, most importantly, to restart the computer without risk. Choose the most suitable option for you. If some of the options are not suitable for you, it can be caused by two reasons: Your version of the OS does not support this key combination. As mentioned above, the old versions of Windows do not respond to some combinations. The second reason is manual adjustment of hot keys. Each computer has settings, with which you can adjust the combination of keys to your taste. Check, perhaps hot keys for reboot are configured differently.


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