How to wash white sneakers

How to wash white sneakers

Probably today, every modern man has white sneakers in the wardrobe, because this shoe is basic and is suitable for everything. It is clear that white shoes it is not only beautiful, but also very marking. It is very important to know how you can wash white sneakers and extend your life.

White sneakers doing sneakers

Not one wardrobe of the fashion can not do without white sneakers, so this information will become useful for everyone who loves white shoes. It should be noted that white sneakers are not for lazy shoes, so if you decide to wear such shoes - study in detail its cleaning methods.

It is worth noting that the level of complexity of cleaning such shoes directly depends on the level of pollution and, of course, the material itself, from which sneakers are made. It is clear that the shoes from the fabric or suede is not very good pushing the dirt, more precisely, does not push at all.

Before choosing a method for cleaning such shoes, you need to understand what material this shoes and what properties are its properties. Some materials are not afraid of washing. Therefore, it is easier to clean your shoes with them - just throw them into a washing machine, add detergent or powder, and then just get the shoes at the end of the washing and put it on the dryer.

But most often the sneakers are made from such materials that are not to be washed in the typewriter, then it is already necessary to consider other cleaning options that will not spoil the material and the appearance of the sneakers.

First, let's consider the methods of cleaning skin sneakers:

  • First you will need to pull the insoles from the shoes, and it will also take care that there are no shoelaces on the sneakers. It should be noted that the insole always looks dirtier than the outer side of the sneakers, because the material inside is not like outside, so the insole will also have to wash, as, in principle, the laces.
  • In order for the insole to become white again and acquired a primordial look, prepare soap solution in warm water, and, saturated. For such purposes, natural economic soap is perfect, or whitening. In this water, you can put not only insoles, but also shoelaces. Pushed in such water them will need no less than an hour. If you add to this solution also the soda food, then the effect will exceed your expectations.
  • As for the leather shoes, despite the high quality, the user should know that such shoes should not be in contact with water. No soaking and styrics in automatic machines are not a recommendation, but a strict rule. Observe it should everyone who wants his leather shoes to be a whole, clean and rushed long.
  • Wash skin sneakers can be sponge slightly wet. It is possible to moisten it in soapy water. You can also use a cotton disk for such purposes.
  • If you very much smeared sneakers, then you can also use the brush to clean them, but only its rigidity should be small.
  • After you wash the sneakers from all pollution, you will need to wipe them dry with a clean rag.

Useful advice

At home, each can prepare a special paste, which is perfect for cleaning with white shoes. The main ingredients of such a solution are starch potato and milk. Mix these two components and apply on white leather shoes, and, quite a thin layer. After that, you also need to wipe the shoes dry by clean rag.

Wash fabric shoes, too, you need to be able to:

  • As for the tissue shoe, it is dirty much faster, but at the same time, and it is easier to wash it than leather or sneakers from any other material. Most often, materials such as polyester or nylon are used to manufacture sneakers from fabric.
  • They can be called really practical materials, because they do not linger and wash them in the typewriter too (only the temperature mode should not be too high).
  • If contamination on sneakers are quite serious, then it is better to soak them for a while in the soap solution and only then send to a washing machine.
  • Pay your attention to what the sole is made, and if it is rubber, then you can throw them into the typewriter without any doubt.
  • It happens that on the shoes there may be different types of stains, from which you need to know how to get rid of:
  • If there are flax spots on the sneakers, then take a dishwashing agent - it becomes an excellent assistant in this matter.
  • In the case of fingerprints on the shoes, take advantage of both hydrogen peroxide.
  • Mazuta is difficult to report, but, despite this, the "oxiaction" will become an effective means.
  • In order for sneakers to be clean and beautiful, pay attention to the sole. In order to whiten the sole use the paste to clean the teeth or the solution on the soap.

  • Experts do not recommend using the usual powder for the purposes under consideration, because it can leave on the surface of the sneakers of the divorce and stains of yellow.

Do not forget that when washing sneakers, you need to turn off the drying and spin mode so as not to spoil the quality characteristics of the shoes.

Manual washing sneakers

In the event that you have decided to wash the sneakers with your own hands, and not in a typewriter, then you can take advantage of the following recipes for effective means against stains and dirt on sneakers:

  • At home, prepare the paste of soda and vinegar (on 2 portions of vinegar one tablespoon of soda) and apply it to the surface of the shoes. Thus, you can get rid of all stains and pollution.
  • Pour soda into the detergent for dishes and soda the shoes by this agent, wash it out thoroughly and dry it.

Waste white sneakers, if you know what methods are for this.

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