How to format in FAT32 USB flash drive

How to format in FAT32 USB flash drive

The file system of the memory card is not difficult, all of these parameters are three: FAT32, NTFS and EXFAT. All of them are designed to read on different devices and media. If you want to download any files on the USB flash drive, and then watch them on your TV or another player, then, most likely, you will come across the problem of reading and recognition. The point is by no means in your files or reading device: the problem lies in the file system, which can be changed manually on the computer. To do this, you do not have to download an additional software, because all the necessary tools already have in Windows and are ready to use. Learn about the methods of formatting a flash drive in FAT32 format in this article.

How to format a flash drive up to 64 GB in FAT32

The volume of your drive is fundamental, as depending on this parameter, the method of converting the file system will differ. You can try this method and on a bulk flash drive with more than 64 GB, but not the fact that you will succeed.

Insert your USB flash drive or laptop with the Windows operating system. Once it is recognized, go to the "My Computer" section, where all the discs and connected devices are reflected.

  • Click on the memory card or flash drive right-click, find the item "Format" and click on it.

  • In this window, you can configure all conversion parameters. The second string is selected file system.

  • Set the "FAT32" and check the "Fast Formatting" row. You only have to click "Start" so that the flash drive is formatted and changed its file system. Note that formatting implies the complete deletion of all files from your media. Otherwise, changing the file system will not work.

How to format the flash drive more than 64 GB in FAT32

If you failed to convert the file system, then resort to the Windows command prompt. This applies to smaller flash drives that have not changed after the first paragraph of the article.

  • Clamp simultaneously on your keyboard a combination of Win + R or Win + K in the Russian layout. The execution window opens. Enter the "CMD" command without quotes and press the ENTER key.

  • The command line opens instantly in another window. You need to enter into it such a string: Format / FS: FAT32 E: / Q
  • Note that the letter "E" is the designation of the letter of your flash drive, which is assigned to all disks in Windows. Go to my computer to check this letter, otherwise you format not that partition.
  • Press Enter and expect results.
  • In such ways, you can easily format a memory card or a flash drive in FAT32, however, if something went wrong, try using utilities. One of the easiest and most common is SDFormatter. You can download it on the official website or from your own sources.

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