How to pay tricolor TV from a bank card

How to pay tricolor TV from a bank card

The Tricolor TV company provides its customers with the opportunity to pay for its services with a bank card. This procedure is fairly simple, but still sometimes people have some questions.

Payment procedure Tricolor TV from a bank card

To pay for the services of the company Tricolor TV by a bank card, you must have access to the Internet and follow the next instruction.

  • Go to the official page of the company Tricolor TV.
  • Enter the menu and find the item "Subscribers".
  • It has a section "How to pay". After the transition, a new tab opens on it.
  • Find the link "Bank cards" and go through it.
  • The user will open a list of all services offered by this company. A complete description is attached to each individual: the connection price constituting the package. You must select the user you need by clicking on the relevant link.
  • Another tab will be opened, where you can read the description of the selected service package. If all the conditions are suitable for the user, then you can click on "Go to payment". Another tab will be opened.
  • The corresponding field needs to enter the number of the contract. Instead, a receiver ID can be entered instead.
  • Click on "Next".
  • The system will give instructions of subsequent steps to be followed.
  • All the information entered will need to be carefully rechered, after which you enter the details of the bank card (number, name of the host, the start date and expiration date and CVV). All of them are indicated on both sides of the card.
  • Specify the amount that should be removed from the card account to replenish.
  • Confirm the transfer of the specified amount. It must be enrolled on the next business day, but not later.

Please note: so that you can make payment, the card must be valid. It must also contain an amount equal to or greater than the amount required for the payment. At the same time, the commission also needs to be considered. In the process of replenishment, personal data is indicated, so if the user does not want to indicate them, he will have to use another way to replenish the tricolor TV.

For replenishment, you can use not only the company's website. Conducting this operation is also possible with other online systems that are provided by some banks: Sberbank online, Alfa-Click, Telebank and others.

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