How to translate money from mobile to map

How to translate money from mobile to map

Translate funds from a mobile phone account to a bank card as simple as in your online banking: you can make a procedure through the mobile operator's website, or using an SMS command. Please note that each method has its own commission and an additional debit for communication services. Lay your operator from the list and use the most likely method.

How to transfer money from a mobile to a map through a personal account

Each mobile operator communication has a personal account of the user. With it, you can follow your spending, pay for services, connect additional options, as well as carry out many other procedures. Consider the process of replenishing a bank card from mobile to such companies: MTS, Beeline, MegaFon and Tele2.


Enter the subscriber's personal account by reference. A convenient feature of MTS is the lack of registration at the entrance. Just enter your phone number in the top field on the site, request a one-time password through the "Get Password Password" link, enter it into the appropriate field, and you will find yourself in your personal account.

  • Once inside, click on the tab "Payment Management".

  • In the pop-up menu, select the section "Transfer to a bank card".

Now fill out the form on the site:

  • In the first line, enter your phone from which the amount will be written off.
  • Next, specify the amount of the replenishment without taking into account the Commission.
  • Check the line "from the MTS phone account."

  • Click Next, in the window that appears you need to specify the Visa or MasterCard recipient's bank card number.
  • The completion commission is 4.3 percent of the amount, but not less than 60 rubles. On the day you can carry out this procedure no more than five times. Minimum indication amount: 50 rubles, maximum - 15,000 rubles.


  • If you are a user network megaphone, you can replenish the tools in two ways: through the site and SMS by the translation.
    Go to the official website of the company in the Transfer section And click on the window "from the phone to a bank card".

Fill in all fields with reliable information:

  • Enter the deposit amount without taking into account the Commission.
  • The recipient's card number is indicated on the second line.
  • Enter your phone without a combination +7.

When transferring amounts from 50 rubles to 4999, the Commission will be 7.35 percent and 95 rubles in addition. If the amount is more than 5,000 rubles, then the additional charge is charged not 95 rubles, but 259.


  • Click on the "Translate from the site" field.

  • Now click on the category "Transfer from Mobile to a bank card."

  • Fill in all the form fields with the required information, check the data entered and click "Translate".
  • The Commission from the mobile operator Beeline is 5.59 percent and 10 rubles extra.

Tele 2

  • Fill in the fields with your number data on the recipient map, the amount in rubles.

Operator tele2 has its own system of commission. The company charges a transfer fee that is fixed and depends on the value of your translation.

All translation transaction operations are carried out within five working days.

How to transfer money from mobile to the card by SMS

Some operators provide the ability to transfer money through SMS command. The Commission remains exactly the same as in the case of the site.


Send a message to the number 7878 of the type: Name_Electronic_System Number_Maps Amount.
Electronic systems operating on the network Beeline: Visa, Maestro, MasterCard.
In response, you will receive a message with a request to confirm the operation.


Send a message to the number 8900 with this content: Card Number_cards The amount of refill.
Read more about translations with a megaphone on a map. How to transfer money from MegaFon to Sberbank.

Mobile Bank

Almost any banking organization provides its users with mobile bank services. On the example of Sberbank, we can translate funds from the phone in this way:

Send a message to the number 900 with the text "translation of the phone number_starter."
Please note that the recipient must connect a mobile bank to its phone number, only then the operation will pass successfully.
The Commission for this method is not charged.

There are many ways to translate funds from the phone to the card using exchanger sites. Be careful, choosing this method, because it is so easy you can get into the hands of fraudsters.

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