How to warm the greenhouse in the spring

How to warm the greenhouse in the spring

The main function of greenhouses is the creation of comfortable conditions for plant growth. The absence of heating in cold weather makes it useless, since a temperature lower below 18C negatively affects green cultures. The heating of the greenhouse extends seasonal work and allows you to get crop until winter. There are two types of heating: natural and artificial. The latter species, in turn, is divided into electric, gas and solid fuel.

Natural heating is the production of heat, energy from sunlight. This option allows you to grow crops, starting in the middle of spring. With this method, the greenhouse must be installed in such a way that it is on the sunny side for the most long time. If the greenhouse is made of plastic film, then it must be made in two layers, leaving a 5 cm gap between them to create an air cushion.

The cheapest among electrical types of heating is considered radiator. You can use greenhouse or ordinary for home. It works on electricity and is especially convenient for isolated, small greenhouses.

Cable heating is a “warm floor” system. It is better to install it when laying a greenhouse. Otherwise, it will be necessary to remove the layer of the earth, fall asleep with sand and put a cable that heat -insulating material on it with a snake. Advantages of this option: inexpensive installation, simplicity of control, automatic temperature control, uniform distribution of heat.

Electric types also include infrared heaters. They are a bulb screwed into a ceramic base. Thanks to this heating, the germination of seeds doubles.

Water heating - connection to an existing heating system or pumping a pump from a boiler. The source of heat is hot water flowing through the pipes, which must be installed under the floor or along the walls of the greenhouse.

With gas heating, it will be necessary to connect to the gasification system. For small greenhouses or for heating only in severe cold, you can use a gas cylinder. With this method, it will be necessary to consider oxygen supply systems and air circulation systems.

Solid fuel systems are furnaces for burning firewood, coal. They are quite affordable, effective and documentary permits are not needed for them.

An emergency method can be used in a sharp decrease in temperature or at night. For this, bricks are impregnated with kerosene, gasoline and settled. You can cover with a metal capacity. From this design, a pipe is diverted to the room of the greenhouse.

To use any of the presented options, a thorough approach and attentive study are required. Since the quality and quantity of the crop depends on their effectiveness.


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