How to stick a film on the phone

How to stick a film on the phone

By purchasing a new smartphone, each person wants to protect the new, and sometimes very expensive deviss from scratches and chips. Excellent protection serves as a protective film and glass, but sometimes the procedure for sticking a film or glass in the salons requires huge money. Do you want to save, but at the same time protect your smart shield? Then you should learn to glue the film yourself.

How to stick a film on the phone

Some people seem to stick the film on the phone very easily, but in fact it is not so.

  • First of all, you need to focus on choosing a film. It has long been proven that branded films of good quality make it easier to stick than cheap Chinese. But this does not mean that you need to spend huge money for branded films - this is only your choice.
  • It is advisable to choose a film created specifically under the model of your phone, otherwise you will have to cut the necessary perimeter, and this turns out from the first time.
  • If the film is already purchased, then it is only for sticking.
  • To begin with, disinfecting your hands, the surface on which you will do everything and film. As a disinsector, a spray for cleaning screens is ideal (but in no case do not use alcohol, spirits on alcohol and other alcohol-containing liquids - they can burn the screen). Be sure to see that the film does not remain dirt or villi.

When everything is ready, you can proceed to sticking the film.

How to stick the film to the phone - actions

  • Modern films are covered with protective layers on both sides. First of all, you need to remove the first layer, it is indicated by the number "1". Carefully make sure that dust and garbage does not get to the film. After that, accurately position the captivity exactly around the perimeter of the screen and attach it to it.
  • If air bubbles arose under the film, then take a solid surface (piece of cardboard, credit card, etc.) and try to spend it up from the bottom. Such manipulation should bring all bubbles outside.
  • If these actions did not help, do not be discouraged. Using adhesive surface (tape, tape, etc.), lift the film up and try sticking again until the desired result is obtained.
  • After the film was pasted, you can remove the layer at number "2".

We glue the protective glass on the phone screen

Protective glass protects the smartphone screen better, but at the same time paste it much easier.

  • The first actions are the same as when sticking the film - you need to degrease the smartphone screen, clean the working surface and clean your hands.
  • In the future, you need to remove the protective film from the glass and attach to the screen, trying to avoid slurries. The glass can be disconnected many times unlike the film, as it is reusable. If something fails, then try again. When gluing glass, air bubbles practically do not appear, which simplifies the task.
  • After the glass was pasted, wipe it with a special cloth and use on health! The service life of such protection is up to 3 years.

Both the film and protective glass allow you to save the screen of your phone safe and safety. And it is not necessary to pay huge money for their sticking, as you can do it yourself! Good luck!

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