How to find coordinates on Yandex map?

How to find coordinates on Yandex map?

Yandex. Maps are one of the most convenient applications for finding the necessary coordinates. Thanks to such a program, it can be easily obtained by the coordinates absolutely from any place, area, as well as different geographic objects that can later be used for API in Yandex.Maps.

How to start using Yandex.Maps?

In essence, Yandex.Maps are a multifunctional application that can be used, both on the phone, tablet (download in the application store), so exercise from a stationary computer or laptop.

Yandex.Maps have ample location opportunities. In Yandex.Maps can be viewed in the required result in four modes: satellite, panorama, hybritis and standard diagram.

In addition, it is possible to view the presence of traffic jams, parking, panoramas of streets and photos, as well as print the desired map fragment.

To view traffic jams, it is necessary to click on the "Cork" icon and in the dialog box that appears to select the required parameters: time, statistics, or road events.

Parking pictograms, street panorama and printout card is also in the upper right corner of the program.

Enter Coordinates on Yandex.Cart

In Yandex.Maps, coordinates are presented in the form of numbers. First indicates the latitude. It is customary to denote the northern latitude - the letter N, S - South latitudes. The next digit after latitude is longitude. She also has its own designation, East - E, W - West.

To enter coordinates, it is necessary:

  • Open application on a suitable device (phone, tablet) or go to the site

  • In the search string, enter the necessary coordinates. First we enter latitude, and after the longitude. It is necessary that when entering the coordinate there were no errors. For example, the coordinates should look like: 55.751210, 53.617218.

  • Then click: "Find".
  • The program will immediately give the result. Scale and other parameters for coordinate can be changed and viewed in the right corner of the screen.

How to find coordinates in Yandex.Maps?

  • We enter the necessary coordinates into the search string.

  • When the marker is moving and show the necessary coordinates on the map, then you can start building a route.
  • The address and additional functions will be displayed on the left.
  • In Yandex. Maps have a sequence change function when entering coordinates. You can first introduce long longitude after latitude. And this is a very convenient function, as some navigators are first asked to set the "Longitude" parameter, and after the "latitude"
  • Also in Yandex. Maps have a tool for determining coordinates. You can go to the Yandex.Mapart API website and take advantage of this tool. Just you need to select the desired address on the map. The application shows the coordinates at first "latch" after "longitude".

Thanks to this convenient and simple application as Yandex.Maps, you can easily find the desired point of coordinates. After all, it greatly facilitates the search for the necessary places and the necessary objects.

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