How to get rid of fungus on the walls

How to get rid of fungus on the walls

Mold fungi flies through the air in the form of an argument and until some time they do not show themselves. Finding on any solid surface, they are justified for a long time in our home. Excellent conditions for the occurrence of mold is the temperature above 20 ° C and humidity above 70%. These are just those parameters that are inherent in almost every housing. That is, the probability of the appearance of fungus on our housing is quite high. How to get rid of the fungus, if he still appeared in our house? This is about this and will go in the article.

Harm fungus for the body

The appearance of mold fungi in an apartment or a house very adversely affects the human body, in particular:

  • because of their occurrence, immunity is dramatically reduced.
  • cough can also begin without visible causes
  • contribute to the appearance of chronic rhinitis
  • very often lead to the appearance of allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes and not only

It was repeatedly proved that when changing housing, in which the arms of the robust was settled, people succeeded with a successful cure of quite complex chronic diseases that are difficult to diagnose.

Causes of the appearance of fungus

Spore fungus do not appear in the dwelling just like that. Some factors contribute to their occurrence:

  1. High humidity in an apartment or house. Often it happens in the kitchen and in the bathroom.
  2. Poor ventation room. It is important to circulate the air well, in connection with this, special attention should be paid to the ventilation system. Also, it should be more likely to air the room.
  3. Lack of heating. This factor is more inherent in apartment buildings. Most often this period, when centralized heating has not yet been given, and on the street the temperature sharply decreased and the humidity rose due to precipitation. This is happening on the eve of the heating season. Or such a situation arises when, on the contrary, the heating season is over, the heating turned off, and it's still cold on the street, wet and damp. Accordingly, concrete walls are cooled quickly, and the accumulating moisture contributes to the appearance of fungus in the apartment.
  4. If the furniture in the room is tightly to the wall, then this can also be the cause of the fungus. Here, again, the reason is linked in poor air circulation.

Get rid of fungus on the walls

Get rid of the mold fungus is not so simple, but it is possible. To do this, perform the following actions:

  • First, we clean the affected area mechanically. That is, if wallpapers are pasted on the wall with fungus, then they are mandatory removed.
  • Next, we take the usual spatula and consider the affected area of \u200b\u200bplaster.
  • Now we repeatedly process our surface by any antiseptic agent. There are many varieties of such funds. You can buy them in any building store, the consultant will advise you this or that means, depending on the price category and the quality component.
  • After all manipulations, you definitely have a wall. And now we apply a new layer of plaster and glue wallpaper.

Important! All actions should be carried out in compliance with precautions, namely: it is necessary to work in a room, which is well ventilated, be sure to wear a mask on the face to dispute the fungus do not fall into the respiratory system, and gloves.

How to get rid of fungus folk methods

In this case, we are doing all the manipulations, which were written above. However, instead of chemical antiseptics, we now use one of the following, no less effective tools:

  1. Vinegar. He copes perfectly with fungus. To do this, we apply to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe wall vinegar - whether with the help of a sprayer, or with the help of a cloth moistened in acetic acid. We leave the solution on the surface of the minutes by 60, and then wash it off with conventional water.
  2. Furacilin. The well-known means for rinsing the throat is also used in the fight against the mold fungus on the wall. We buy furacilin in any pharmacy. We dissolve 10 tablets in the glass of water (depending on the size of the affected area, we make the appropriate amount of solution, observing the proportion). Then we appreciate the resulting agent on the cleansed wall. We carry out similar manipulations at least 5 times, to achieve maximum effect.
  3. Baking soda. It is an excellent antiseptic. To combat fungus, we use a soda solution, prepared on the basis of 200 ml of water and 1 tsp. soda. Accordingly, we process the affected parts of the walls. Notable is the fact that, in contrast to vinegar, the soda can not be flush from the treated surface. As it turns out, it will continue to provide a protective effect on the re-occurrence of mold fungus.

However, it should be remembered that the fight against fungus is half of the case. It is important not only to get rid of, but also prevent his appearance. For this, do not forget to ventilate the room more often, creating favorable conditions for air circulation.

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Lidia 04/11/2019 at 13:05

I tried many ways, it did not help. But the blue medical lamp coped. Turned on overnight in the hallway, in the morning dry mold scraped the spatula and for 9 years, as I forgot what it is

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