How often need to change bed linen

How often need to change bed linen

Each must be neat, as a diligent and important factor in this, the regularity of bed linen change. For someone, it may seem quite unimportant, but in fact it is the key to your health, strong sleep and accuracy. Let's understand today, how often it is necessary to change bedding and why, as well as, what other nuances of this process should know each.

Choose bed linen

At the moment, in stores, supermarkets, the Internet you can find a huge amount of bed linen. Here everything will depend on the preferences of the consumer and financial capabilities. It is clear that at the moment, everyone can buy a bed not only high-quality, but also beautiful, because today aesthetic factor is paid quite a lot of attention.

In addition, specialists suggest that special attention in this case needs to be given to the antibacterial properties of such a material, so it should be considered when choosing bed linen. It is from this criterion in the end and will depend on how often Bed linen will be changed. No one denies that the frequency of replacement of linen will also depend on those who will enjoy them and how to follow the rules of hygiene, because this is also an important factor.

There is another criterion that affects the replacement frequency of bed linen is traditions. Yes, yes, it is the traditions that are transmitted from generation to generation. You grow in some environment and family, and without even thinking without even thinking, adopt various skills, experience, etc. You are watching how often the mother changes the bed, what she chooses, and most likely, you will do the same because the majority is laid the majority of the foundations that you then bring in your family.

Change of bed linen

Let's consider all the recommendations. Statistics and other criteria that we can tell us how often it is in fact it is necessary to change linens.

For those who did not know the smell of freshness and purity of your bed helps to firmly fall asleep and sleep with a calm bed, which, of course, positively affects the health of sleeping, because a healthy sleep is the key to the strong health of each person. The body, being on clean and nice smelling underwear, relaxes and immersed in a deep and strong dream, which means that sleep in the morning will be vigorous and the whole day will pass in a good mood.

Some even say that if nightmares are tormented, and you sleep restlessly at night, you just need to change the bed for a new one, and everything will pass. Say sure whether it is not possible, because on someone's change of linen acts, but for someone there is no, but the fact remains a fact - as soon as you replaced bedding for a new or fresh, if you have four-legged friends, they are here You turn out to be in your bed - and this, he says a lot.

Rare fanatics claim that the bed must be changed almost every day. In fact, this is fanaticism or disease and no more. Such a frequent change of bed, except hassle, will not bring anything, so it's not necessary to change the bed every day.

Experts recommend:

  • If your bed is shyned by a one-minute kit of bed linen, it is advisable to replace it and once a month, that is, every two weeks. This is if it seems about the winter period. Double sets recommend changing once a week.

  • You may be surprised - "where is the size of bed"? The point is not in the size of bed linen, but in the amount of sleeping on this bed, the more users, the more often the underwear will be changed, it is logical.
  • In the summer, bed linen should be changed more often, because we spend more time on the street, clothes for us less, dust more, etc.
  • Among other things, in the summer, the bed is better to choose from a fine material, because such underwear is erased easier and dries away much faster. You can wash the bed in 4-5 days every 4-5 days, and in a few hours when it dries, again to put your bed again.
  • It is necessary to understand that nestable bedding may not just cause a sense of inconvenience and cause an alarming sleep, but also cause an allergic reaction, so it is worth it to have this fact. You should not also forget that the exposed epithelium is the place of breeding a bed tick, and this fact has already been proven by scientists.
  • Bed linen is recommended in the fresh air, so hang it outside the window, in case you live in a multi-storey construction.

On this occasion, there are also a number of applications and those who believe in them, it is very important to be aware:

  • Before siting bed linen on your bed, it will be necessary to utter all the existing folds, because it is usually unclean forces that will have a negative impact on your dreams.
  • If intensiveness you are stuck in the bedclothes inside out, and without paying attention to it, they went to sleep on him, then in the near future you will have a lot of trouble.
  • Remove bed linen from the place where your guest is needed not earlier 60 minutes after his departure.
  • It is not recommended to replace bed linen in religious holidays, as well as on Sundays. Optimum day for this operation - Saturday.
  • If you are posting bedding on Monday, then provide all sleeping strong and healthy sleep on it.

In some families, it is customary to change the lustful once a week, someone will say that it is too voltable, there is a lot of time, but actually for the health it is just such a gap between the change of linen is optimal.

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