Infrared film for a warm floor - how to use

Infrared film for a warm floor - how to use

More and more people are warm floors in apartments. Heat under legs makes the room more cozy and comfortable. It's nice to go from the street into a warm corridor, or coming out of the shower, become a warm tile.

Traditionally, warm floors are made from the so-called mats, inside which special electrical cables are mounted. These are fitted under the cement screed, and the main coating (linoleum, laminate) is laid on it. If warm floors are made under the tile, then the mats are folded first, and the tiles are glued directly on them.

Film infrared systems come to replace cable structures. Film heating systems are often called simply - "infrared heating". It differs from the cable to the fact that it is not necessary to lay it under the screed - this method is called "dry". This is possible because the warm film coating is structurally very thin and there are no traditional heating elements.

In the infrared system, the thermofilm itself is the source of heat, inside which the finest carbon heating elements are mounted - from them the film and heats up. These conductors are not enough that incredibly thin, they are completely safe. Carbon heaters differ from all other fact that they practically do not emit electrome-bearing waves.

Film Warm floors without problems can be kept in children's rooms, living rooms, bedrooms. They unfold on a dry, clean and even base, and linoleum or carpet is already fitted. Right on the film warm floor can be putting parquet or laminate.

Film floor works as well as cable - from the network in 220 V. The thermostat, which is installed on the wall, allows you to set the desired temperature indoor.

"Dry" way to install a film infrared floor makes it in demand not only for heating apartments and houses. This floor is assembled in kindergartens and offices, with its help heated the rooms in the baths (mounted on the walls). These systems are good in greenhouses, where they are placed on any suitable surfaces. And the infrared film for the floor is used in industrial dryers, where wooden products are dried, grain, fruit.

Infrared film for a warm floor allows any room to make warm, without capital construction work. What to pay attention to when buying an infrared floor, look in the video presented.

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