In modern statistics there are ways to compare quantities having different units of measurement. One of them is conditional fuel.
Conditional fuel - a unit of measure, designed to take into account organic fuels, to which include oil and its derivatives, natural gas, peat and gas, obtained by distillation of stone coal and slates. The most important indicator of any fuel is the specific heat of its combustion, the value of which differs from each type of fuel. Accounting in the form of conditional fuels a Used with the need to summarize the useful fuel of different types. Each type of fuel "Specifies to the general denominator" thanks to the recalculation coefficients that are taken by state statistics, which allows the comparison, as well as determine the amount of the necessary one type of fuel to replace the other. For some types of fuel, such as coal, the values \u200b\u200bof the coefficients are changing over time, this is due to the resource brand.As a unit of measurement of conditional fuel, it is also used: oil equivalent, thermal price, etc.