What is economics

What is economics

To answer the question "what is the economy" clearly impossible. Each person understands the term "economy" in its own way, with his experience and knowledge. About the economy speak on television and in the newspapers, in the news and in the community.

Economics - the science that studies the whole of social work and economic activity, as well as the correct internal and external movement of production activities of the company. The economy has its roots far in the past. In those days, people just started to work on their land and breed cattle. And now, all of the people - it is an economic unit. And willy-nilly, everyone has to do with economics.

With the help of the economy in all world social needs are met. Food, accommodation, Clothing, transportation, medicines. All this affects the economic situation of the country. For example, clothing is bought for money, but before that the manufacturer buys material for manufacturing. In turn, for the manufacture of the material shelled out some resources. The economy needs a person to these resources are distributed properly.

The basis of the economy - it's money. First money, both metal and paper, appeared in China. After 1971 it was carried out economic reform, which resulted in the cancellation of bindings dollar-gold. The consequences of this decision affect the economy today. Economy - is one of the very dynamic science, since it is constantly evolving. Politics and economics are closely related. The Government has consistently adheres to a particular economic plan.

The main direction of the economy - security the Company's products, which will be meet the needs societies. For the basics of a good economy include large enterprises in the country and the working activities of the society. Under such conditions it is possible to make the turnover of products, not only within a country but also to provide expo hg fori consumption. Russia is a country with a commodity economy, since there are practically no internal production of products.

The world economy has the laws for which it is built. These are laws of elevation of needs, demand, proposals, descending return, increase the temporary costs, limited resources and decreasing utmost utility.

The modern economy in the world is committed to globalization. And this can lead not only to general economic policy, but also to general Government I. money.

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Victor 10/21/2017 at 9:46.

In the Polytechnic Institute, we, technics, read a short course of the economy. After understandable formalized technical disciplines, this science seemed to collect primitive concepts, which were unsuccessful to try to explain the complex processes occurring in society. Significantly later I became clear the reason why these attempts remained unsuccessful. Clarity began to manifest itself after I drew attention to the history of the formation of foreign, and then domestic economic thought. It turned out that the first economists were originally focused on the study of real socio-economic processes. The economy, like no other science, depended and continues to depend on progress in understanding many fundamental concepts that determine the overall culture of thinking in humans. Its development has always been inhibited by reasons, only from it independent, and it could not change this situation on his own. Without the overall progress in the culture of thinking, the economy began with works on financial, accounting operations, so at this qualitative level and remained. Therefore, financiers and accountants are in demand, and scientists economists remain aside from real economic processes. And it is no coincidence that, having passed a certain historical path of its evolution, the science of the economy is now increasingly inclined to psychology, jurisprudence, civil and criminal law. As a result, the "product", which is still the cornerstone of this science, in our eyes turns into a law transmitted to another, legally sounded for anything. As they say - it was yours, and there was our! And everything! For the one who has conveyed the last, all the achievements of the economy are finally completing forever. But if you suddenly need someone, it is not scientists economists, and lawyers who focused on the right will always be and explained to all participants of such an exchange of its feasibility and legality. The laws of modern economic science are unique in that they are subjective absolutely because they are closed by a certain archaic culture of people thinking. Archaism is that thinking does not distinguish the main thing - the meaning of collective labor. For such thinking, the meaning of collective labor of all people is limited to the intention of the elite. Each elite seeks to keep thinking in people unchanged, in accordance with historically formed traditions, through politics, science, religion, culture and, in particular, the economy. The problem is that the established archaic culture of thinking in people everywhere constrained artificially and remains a qualitatively unchanged century. And it is not surprising that all economists agreed in a single opinion to consider not the meaning, the intention of collective labor, but the movement of the goods and all that is connected with this. It is clear that in science, where the culture of thinking is accepted as a basis for its adults, there is no question of speech and can not be any collective work. For them, as for the former Minister of Finance, Doctors of Economic Sciences A.Ya. Lifshitsa "The economy looks like a woman. Does you understand it? ".

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