What is a clearance company

What is a clearance company

The Cleaning Company provides a wide variety of premises and territories services, because "Cleaning" literally and means cleaning. But cleaning companies still have a much larger spectrum of the proposed help to households and enterprises.

Professional cleaning. At least this kind of service does not imply any specific knowledge and skills, nevertheless, the specialists of cleaning companies undergo a certain study before allowing clients.

General cleaning, including washing windows, cleaning carpets, carpeting with special means, microwaves, ovens, walls, washing dishes, chandeliers, washing room plants.

One-time cleaning, for example, after repair or before moving.

Many of these companies also offer work at the railway site. Basically, they suggest clearing some place, household buildings, garbage collection, as well as other works by agreement with the customer.

Maintaining order and general cleaning in office premises that prefer to use the services of cleaning companies, and not to keep the staff of technical personnel.

Cleaning companies have the entire spectrum of professional detergents and cleaning products and all that is needed to bring the housing to a clean neat appearance. Typically, the range of services is negotiated with the customer, the period of execution and execution time is established. All this depends to a greater extent of the wishes of the client, some companies provide services and on weekends, as well as at night.


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