10 best lifehakov

10 best lifehakov

Lifehak (from English Life Hacking) - peculiar tricks, facilitating the life of a person and give new ideas, providing practical and secondary use of the simplest things. Modern methods and strategies are able to significantly ease life. Many "Lifehakov" can be "for weapons" and use them daily. Clear tricks and useful tips make life more interesting, still help save money depending on the situation.

Most often, Lifehak is used in household life or at the social level. Interesting use of something capable of saving your: forces, time and money. Original solutions enforce benefit to others and ease. Since the 2000s, the worldwide Internet network is actively distributing useful tips enjoying incredible popularity. There are several tips that have found their practical applications for hundreds of times and are the most popular among the population.

Fork rack

Very practical application can be found to be the most ordinary fork. If you wish, you can twist a stylish hook into the hallway, bathroom and even the bedroom. A similar solution is very similar to the designer. It is time to move away from stereotypes and use prickly unnecessary items in application.

Coffee table from the TV

It happens that money is not enough money for new furniture. In such situations, an old TV comes to the rescue, successfully performing the functions of a modern coffee table.

Male shirt dress

How often do women want a new dress and how rarely men buy them them. You can diversify the wardrobe with an ordinary male shirt.

Toothbrush stand

Simple, but incredibly convenient use in the bathroom can find a plastic bottle. Comfortable stand will enjoy all family members.

Trempel in the kitchen

Neutral trempel with clothespins become an indispensable tool in the kitchen, holding convenient recipe book. This method allows you to not get dirty pages and the text to be at a comfortable level for reading.

The secret of bananas

If you shook cling film stalk on a bunch of bananas, you will avoid them turning brown. They will stay fresh for a long time and will not be covered with black spots.

Kitchen tricks

If you attach to the doors of kitchen furniture hooks, you can find a place for the storage of covers from the pots and pans.

pure coat

Ordinary stone pumice, which you are used to clean the heel, copes with the spool on the coat. Now you will be able to return, "the former view" of your favorite clothes.

Save space in the closet

It's easy to save space in the closet, getting rid of unnecessary things. But how to do it, when every thing is necessary? Wrap trempel opposite side, a hook and hang on all the things in the closet. After a while you will notice that half of the things hanging hook "by itself". Those things that have remained intact, ie "Hook on" you can safely clean up on the mezzanine.

Or use the rings of cans.

Laces of dress

How often there are situations when laces and strings suddenly "pop" out of clothes, and then everyone suffers, while inserting it back. And how do you make that decision? A simple plastic tube beverage save your strength and nerves!

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