It is worth starting to start from the main thing - the Chinese trading platform Taobao has no official Russian-speaking version. Not all pages are translated into English. Sights that call themselves "official Russian representation" are just ordinary intermediaries that attract users in this way. Below we will talk about how the most simply and effectively Russify Taobao on their own.
Translater Translater from Google
Many of us are familiar and regularly enjoy a free online translator of Google Translate from the company of the same name. The easiest way to translate Chinese hieroglyphs to Russian litera offers it. But how to translate a whole site? There is nothing complicated here. Go to Insert a link in this form "" and choose the language "Chinese." In the right window, we specify "Russian" (or any other that suits you). We click "Translate". The system briefly "thinks" and redirects you to Taobao - is now a completely Russified (due to translater capabilities). Of course, the hieroglyphs in advertising in the pictures will remain the same - these are built-in images and you can only read them yourself. But the left was clear all categories, keywords and search results, on the right - the entry and registration menu, below popular queries, and in the footer - guide for beginners, communication with the support service and even the ability to create your own store. When following the links, the Google service continues to translate new pages. Unfortunately, the translation is far from correct, but you can always offer the best option if you have a foreign one.
Translation from Google Chrome
If you frequently visit foreign websites, but have difficulty with the correct translation, good yield will be the installation of Google Chrome. It's free, easy to install, is constantly updated and offers versions for all modern operating systems. To download Chrome, click the link the official download page. Here you will be prompted to start download Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, smartphone or tablet, Linux or Mac. After installation go to Taobao by reference above. At the top you'll see a row with the same text: "The language of this page Chinese. Do you want to translate? ". Click on the "Transfer" and enjoy a user-friendly interface. Some Russian-speaking buyers prefer to translate the page into English, because the result looks correct. On the one hand this method is most convenient. On the other - you may prefer other browsers, which we discuss below.
Translation Taobao in Opera and other browsers
If you with all my heart baked onto the favorite program and are not ready to replace it with a Google Chrome extension will help us free. One of them is called "RePlaceTeXt" and is intended for the popular Opera browser. His initial task - to be replaced by a coarse and obscene lecture web pages. However, as we understand it, the translation is also replacing one word with another. Thus, by connecting to the browser "RePlaceTeXt" we can manually build your own Chinese-Russian dictionary. Hieroglyphics copied, transferred to any program and are inserted into the expansion pack, together with a Russian counterpart. In the future, it automatically translates any Chinese website into Russian. Very convenient, though, and it requires a small initial investment of time.
Recall that there are convenient and far more Russified site to buy cheap goods from China. It is called Aliexpress and offers virtually the entire range with Taobao.