Why does the flash drive not open

Why does the flash drive not open

Flash drive has long become a familiar part of our lives. And their advantages compared to CDs brought flash drives to the first place among information records. But, like any technique, they are not durable and often break. Therefore, everyone should know how to fix their small device.

If your flash drive does not break, first rearrange it in another USB connector. It often happens that the problem is not in the drive, but in the port, which was subjected to some damage, for example, the driver or something like that. It is also worth trying to connect the drive to another computer, since your PCs can be turned off the ports in BIOS.

The problem of opening the drive can be associated with network disks (if you do not have them, feel free to let this point). Sometimes the operating system assigns a flash drive and the disk one and the very letter of the name of the section, so it is recommended to enter the name of the directory manually. If all of the above did not help, then the reason is most likely lies in the drive itself.

Remember if you dropped your flash drive before a breakdown. Mechanical damage can damage the contacts of the plug and boards, and it will not correctly connect to the computer. In this case, you can try to solder it back, if it does not help, then you may not try to restore the flash drive and the data that was stored on it. Therefore, when buying a new drive, think about a shockproof model that has a rubberized housing and withstands almost any damage.

If the computer sees the fokee, but does not open, the simplest thing you can try is to format it, but carefully, because all the information on it will be deleted. This will turn out to be both means mounted in the operating system, and with the help of third -party utilities, for example, “Uninstall Tool”. And computer viruses can be the reason for such a breakdown.

But perhaps the most unpleasant breakdown is the hardware malfunction of the microcontroller or the internal micropram of the flash drive. It will be diagnosed with these disappointing diagnoses by a simple feature - the computer “sees” the drive, but incorrectly determines the volume of free space or gives out a zero size. In this case, you can send a flash drive straight to the garbage basket. And if you urgently need data, take it to specialists who will dismantle the memory chips and try to consider information from them, or maybe even restore the drive entirely.

To avoid the most typical breakdowns associated with a flash drive, some rules must be followed. For example, if you extract the drive during data recording, this can lead to damage to memory cells and destruction of official information. It is also worth remembering that they have a limited amount of redevelopment of information, and therefore do not apply new gigabytes on each other every day.

Do not forget to avoid unpleasant excesses to always make a backup of all important information and try not to store files in a single copy on the flash drive. If you have their backup, no breakdown will be terrible for you.

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Novel 06/26/2016 at 3:26

Greetings guys. I want to share with you my experience of a positive solution to this issue. I, like you have repeatedly encountered a similar problem when the flash drive is not determined by modern organizations and the latest operating systems of the Windows family. The fact is that the default flash structure has a FAT32 file system. - Whereas the modern line of operating systems works mainly in the NTFS file system. The reason why your flash disk stopped displaying data can be caused by a hardware failure and incorrect extraction of a flash disk from a USB connector. Always be careful when extracting a flash drive and be sure to use safe extraction by previously clicking with the right mouse button in the trias on the corresponding icon of the safe extraction of your flash disk from the system. -The this is very important, so take it the rule. In addition, most users use their USB-Flash discs to view videos/photos of materials on the large screen of their TV and this must be said even more dangerous, because There are voltage surges and static electricity if the TV is connected by a DVB-C with a cable TV with a wire. -The fact is that the television does not have a default function “Safe extraction of a flash disk”, so you yourself must remember that the USB flash drive should only be removed after the power is stopped, and for this simply turn off your TV with a remote control or or The button on the back panel and thereby lead it into sleep mode. Make sure that the eye on your flash drive went out and only after that boldly and carefully remove it (usually about 10-15 seconds). Yes, yes - it is better to do this operation just like this to save (save) all your data - rather than then grab the head. We will approach how I tried to reinforce my USB flash drive after its incorrect extraction from the Philips TV. I tried many ways, but I helped the one about which I will say below. Of course, you can use the Acronis Disc Director program, but you need experience in everything, so I will tell you an easier way. I must say right away: do not rush to format your USB flash drive if suddenly the system is persistently offering you !!! -There is that the file file system can still be successfully restored !!! Remember I told you about the fact that the flash drive works in the FAT32 file system. So, all you need Windows Me/98, I personally used Windows Millenium Edition. All that I did was inserted the disk into the USB connector after loading the operating system, and having blinking a few seconds of Vual - the flash drive is completely operational as before. The whole trick is that Winme/98 uses the same file system as our flash disc with you, i.e. Without problems and labor, it restores ways and loading notes, while changing anything. You get a fully working disk as if it were before the accident. The main thing is to remember those small rules described above and never rush to format. And if the information is valuable, duplicate it: write it on DVD/CD or archive HDD. I wish you all good luck. I hope this information will come in handy. With respect, Roman.


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