How the ESP system works on the car

How the ESP system works on the car

Electronic Stability Program is a system of dynamic stabilization of a car, preventing the development of drift or minimizing it. Even if the car fails to leave on the road, he will hit the front bumper to the barrier, and thus will save the life of passengers.

The ESP system practically constantly interacts with the anti-bux system (ABS) and an electronic power control unit, thereby forming a single system that consists of an electronic controller and sensor set: the wheel rotation speed sensor, the brake fluid pressure sensor, the steering position sensor. This Alliance provides contraloan events.

Transverse acceleration sensors and angular velocity transmit basic data to the system, the lateral slip indicators are calculated on their basis. The system leads to continuous monitoring of the velocity of the car, which is at the moment the engine turnover, as well as the angle of rotation of the steering wheel.

Electronic block, processing sensor signals, compares the behavior of the machine with the program. If it differs significantly from the programmed, the controller perceives this fact as a dangerous situation and takes measures to correct it.

The system returns the machine to the desired course using the selective braking of one of the wheels or several, in terms of the situation. The main function in this process performs the absodulator ABS, which creates the required pressure in a particular brake system, which, in turn, causes car braking.

ESP is always in working condition, the algorithm of its actions is determined by the peculiarities of a particular situation and the construct of the car transmission. For example, the sensor of the angular acceleration during the passage of rotation was determined by the moment of starting the rear axle. It gives the command to a power unit control unit to reduce the amount of fuel mixture. If these measures are not enough, ABS, in accordance with the specified program, slows down the external front wheel.

Let's say more, ESP on machines with automatic transmission can also adjust the gearbox operation - for example, enable lower transmission, or activate the "winter" mode if it is provided.

On the slippery road of drivers, it is taught to use intermittent braking and search engines to feel the handling of the front wheels and successfully overcome the barrier. With the ESP system, it is enough until you stop two legs to press the pedals of the brakes and clutch and turn the steering wheel to the other side where we want to go, the rest of us will make electronics. With such actions, cars without ESP are fighting about obstacles, and automated cars, successfully maneuvering, copier with their task. Even among professionals drivers few people capable of driving the car as ESP makes it.

ESP plays a huge role in terms of car safety. But do not forget that the possibilities of ESP are not impossible - the laws of physics will not cost, and all possible situations on the road are impossible. Each driver must remember that ESP does not exempt it from the obligation of neat driving and monitoring traffic rules.

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