Well-groomed nails - business card of any woman. But sometimes nails acquire not the most pleasant look, they begin to get lazy and break. The girl appears a complex, she hides his hands from an extraneous eye so that no one saw the state of the nails. On damaged nail plates, it will not be possible to make a good manicure, and the varnish begins to wear on the day of its application. About how to overcome this problem is described in detail in our article.
Causes of nail bundle
Most women have nails in the cold season. In this case, in the lady handbag, gloves and protective cream from cold should be stored. The main causes of the stratification of nails are:
- avitaminosis (lack of vitamin D and calcium);
- the development of fungus (if the poor condition of the nails is accompanied by itching, peeling and redness);
- smoking and regular use of alcohol (bad habits can significantly "hit" not only in appearance, but also harm health in general);
- the development of diabetes mellitus (this symptom has a secondary meaning);
- if the nails get a teenage girl (this is due to age and hormonal changes in the young girl);
- fast food (incorrect meals, regular consumption of burgers, leads to a bad state of the skin, hair and nails);
- pregnancy (future mothers complain about the brittleness and bundle of nails, starting from the second trimester);
- detergents (high-concentration of surfactants can harm the skin of hands, very often they suffer from nail plates);
- wrong work of the thyroid gland (if your weight has increased sharply or decreased, the hair became brittle, and the nails regularly leave, it is time to visit the endocrinologist);
- stress, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep (the body shows that it does not suit him, the first sign of "strike" is the bundle and fragility of nails);
- regular nail extensions and the use of gel lacquer;
- damage to the nail plate (most often performed by an inept manicure master).
How to treat squeezing nails?
If the stratification of the nails was caused by any disease, then the problem is to decide after the patient will begin treatment. In the case when the state of the nail plate has deteriorated due to the influence of external factors, then you need to use the following by the Council:
- stop using a metal coating file (give preference to glass files);
- in the pharmacy, purchase a special medical lacquer lacquer (the most popular is "smart enamel");
- at the time of treatment, give up painting nails (if gel lacas is present on the nails, it is recommended to remove it);
- we offer a course of vitamins (calcium, magnesium, zinc);
- do a massage of the nail plate every day (circular motions clockwise);
- wash dishes in rubber gloves;
- after each contact with water, lubricate your nails with cuticle cream (you can use a children's cream);
- before treatment, cut your nails;
- stop opening the covers of different containers using nails;
- purchase a means for removing varnish without acetone.
Effective folk remedies
Beauty salons offer a nail plate recovery service. This procedure suits vitamins and trace elements damaged nail. But such a way is quite expensive. Therefore, you are offered to your attention the top 5 of the best folk remedies that will help solve the problem of the stratification of the nails:
- watt tampon moisten in lemon juice and wipe on them all nails (independently they leave or not);
- slightly warm olive oil, apply it to the nails and leave for 20 minutes (but oil is not flushed off, remove with a cotton disk);
- baths with sea salt (0.5 liters of water 2 tbsp. sea salt);
- in warm water dissolve 3 tablets of calcium glider phosphate and make the baths for 20 minutes daily;
- with the help of cotton sticks on a damaged nail plate, apply iodine (the procedure is better to do overnight);
- apply honey on your nails and leave for 30 minutes (honey wash off cool water).
Do not forget about balanced diet. If the problem of fragility and stratification of the nails is accompanied by other symptoms, refer to the therapist.
Completely agree with the author of the article. As soon as the first cold, my skin began to be peeling, hone, and the nails were laid and broke. Masks and cream saved only for a short time. And this year it became a triple orega-3 Evalarovskaya and additionally a complex of polyvitamins. Improvements are already visible ... the marins are stronger than steel)