Many children, teenagers and adults, for reasons that are not clear for themselves nails. Moreover, it happens completely spontaneously and imperceptibly even for themselves. In science, this habit is called Onyhofagi. When bumping nails, it is damaged to nail and skin around it. In most cases, man nibbles nails while blood will not appear on the fingers. This habit is often manifested in childhood (4-5 years old) and not rarely in adolescents, who and in adulthood continue to overtake nails.
1) why a man nibbles nails
- Stressful situation.
- Autoagression (as an expression of Samovazakhism).
- Internal conflict (uncertainty in itself).
- Genes (doctors admit that this habit is inherited).
- Brush nails (if a person is a broken nail plate and nails often go and break, then the "owner" decides that the best way out is spraying nails).
- Boredom or idleness.
Why not nail nails
- Under the nail plate a huge number of bacteria and fungi. In addition, there may be worm eggs.
- A biting nails can damage the dental enamel or damage the gums. This can lead to stomatitis.
- Nail painted nails are strictly prohibited. In the varnish contains poisonous substances.
- If you regularly nibble nails, then with time the nail plate is shortened and the nail turns into a sticking pencil.
5 ways to stop nibble nails
- As soon as you have a desire to nibble nails, distracted by something else or eat something. Replace bad habit with some kind of business (draw, write, move the rosen).
- Keep your nails in order and regularly make a manicure. Use varnish if you are a man, then a colorless varnish will help you. Also in the pharmacy for sale special transparent varnish, bitter taste. Many women build up nails not to gnaw their own.
- Come up with yourself punishment. For example, when you break the ban nibble nails, 50 times dried.
- Calculate periods or time of the day when you bite your nails, so you will be easier to stop.
- Also pay attention to your children. If you see that the child gnaws nails, then maybe there are some problems or stressful situations. They must be specified in the warm family circle.
Remember that nails nibble - this is primarily not beautiful, besides, it is a bad example for children. And before trying to get rid of this habit, disperse or change something in your life. Onyhofagi, first of all, is manifested because of psychological problems, this suggests that something does not suit you or disturbing.
Finally, we suggest you view the video about how to stop biting the nails.
cool, helps wrapped and nails ... | | | | | | ... and were I I I ... (: