How many continents on earth

How many continents on earth

Our planet has more than 4.5 billion years. And initially on Earth was only one mainland - Kenorland. Due to numerous tectonic movements, this gigantic mainland was repeatedly divided and was collected again, changing the appearance and name. While the last supermaid pangea was divided into several separate parts. He was the progenitor of modern continents.

The mainland (continent) is a huge part of the sushi, surrounded by the waters of the world ocean from all sides. They are very well isolated from each other and all together occupy the total area of \u200b\u200b139 million km2. Six continents are currently distinguished: Eurasia, Australia, Africa, Antarctica, South America, North America. And although they happened from one supermaateric, each of them is unique.

Eurasia. By right it takes first place in the list. This is the largest mainland, its size is more than 53 million km2. On the territory of Eurasia is the largest country in Square - Russia. The mainland lives 70% of the entire population of the Earth, most of which are residents of China. Extensive expanses of Eurasia compatible two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. But not only it highlights it among other continents. This is the only mainland, washed by the four oceans - the quiet, Atlantic, Indian and Northern Arctic. Eurasia has the deepest lake and the highest mountains, it is rich in various minerals. Mainland is famous for its climatic belts and zones, from the polar in the north to Equatorial in the south.

Australia is the smallest mainland, its area is about 7.7 million km2. On all its territory is only one state with the same name. Large surface is occupied by the plains. Because of rarely found mountains and ridges, there are no acting volcanoes on the mainland and there is no earthquakes. Fauna is 70% represented from animals that live on the territory of Australia - Kangaroo, the Tasmansky Devil, Koala, Lokkos.

Africa. Despite the impressive size, Africa is the most arid continent. Rare rains do not give the opportunity to accumulate water in reservoirs, there are no glaciers around it. Interesting the location of the mainland - its territory is symmetrical relative to the equator. It was here that the longest river - Neil and the largest hot sandy desert were found their place - sugar. Despite the problems with irrigation, in Africa is very developed agriculture. Coffee, dates, tea, cocoa beans are successfully exported to the global market, bringing up to 80% of GDP.

Antarctica - this mainland consists of everything "himself." He is the southernmost and the coldest, the highest and most deserted. Glaciers occupying the entire surface of the mainland, prevent the growth of plants. But as a result of global warming, Tundra began to develop in Antarctica, so they meet mosses, lichens, mushrooms, algae. This is the only continent on the planet with the zero population, except for research expeditions and tourists, people here are no longer found. But, without fear of strong cold weather, penguins, seals, petrels in Antarctica still live.

South America. Already in the title it is clear that the mainland is located in the southern hemisphere. No other continent boasts such a large number of water resources and the greatest waterfalls, it is here that the famous Amazon River flows. Although South America is considered rainy mainland, the Atakam desert is extended on its territory, where it never happens to rain.

North America. The area of \u200b\u200bits lands is equal to 24.25 million km2, while Canada and the United States occupied almost the entire territory. The mainland includes many islands, the largest of which is Greenland. North America surprises with its climate. Almost all climatic zones of the planet are found at its expanses. Not an unwitting valley of death established the global temperature record +57 degrees Celsius. The continent's big bad trial is destructive tornadoes, sweeping all on their way.

The planet Earth is very interesting and not yet coming to the end. Every corner deserves careful relationships and close attention. And then the beauty and uniqueness of our planet will continue to please their inhabitants.

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