Sanatorium-resort map, how to issue in the clinic

Sanatorium-resort map, how to issue in the clinic

The Ministry of Health of Russia in May 2016 was updated a list of medical testimony and contraindications for the sanatorium-resort treatment of adults and children, excluding people, patients with tuberculosis. Guided by this law, doctors issue patients with a spa card, which is the main document for staying and treating in the sanatorium.


In order to get a spa card, it is enough to come to a reception to the attending physician to the clinic at the place of residence and show the original received vouchers. Upon completion of the design, the therapist should make a final medical conclusion. To do this, he will give you the directions for the passage of certain procedures:

  • Fluorography with decoding, you can not pass if there are results of past surveys, the prescription is no more than 1 year.
  • Deployed blood test and overall urine analysis. Additional analyzes are also appointed in concomitant diseases - during diabetes, blood for sugar is given, with bilia, they are sent to ultrasound.
  • Cardiology examination, namely ECG with complete decoding of cardiac rhythm.
  • For girls and women require a certificate from the gynecologist at the place of residence. Men must be examined by the urologist.
  • Consultation of narrow specialists in the direction of the disease. If you have received a ticket for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, the gastroenterologist is required, if the oncology is expected, then the consultation of the oncologist, etc.

As can be seen from the list, the list of necessary procedures is quite extensive. In order to have time to go through all the tests and get a doctor's conclusion, pass the commission 15-20 days before departure to the sanatorium. Below is a sample of a spa card number 072 / U-04.

Sanatorium-resort map, how to issue in the clinic

After passing all the appointed doctors and analyzes, collect the data obtained together and consult your doctor who gave you the direction for the passage of the medical system. The doctor will examine the results of the tests in detail, analyzes the recommendations of the doctors and will make a final medical conclusion in which methods of treatment, contraindications and a general clinical diagnosis will be indicated. Medical details The doctor will put into your medicinal card located in the clinic and the spa card. After that, you will need to sign documents from chapter. Your clinic, attach a map to a ticket and go for treatment in a sanatorium!

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