Orchid defeated - what to do with the arrow?

Orchid defeated - what to do with the arrow?

It will not be secret for anyone that almost all women love home flowers very much. Someone is limited to more familiar with our eyes with violets, geraniums, "forest languages", and someone chooses more sophisticated and picky plants, such as orchids. Today it will be discussed about these incredibly beautiful and popular colors.

What to do with the arrow of the orchid?

Each person who "started" a flower itself, perfectly understands what special care is required for him, otherwise the plant simply will not please their appearance and directly with flowers. Most often, acquiring orchid, we see it in the most "suitable" moment when it blooms. However, after the flowering process, the plant leaves the so-called arrow. And then the main question arises: "And what to do with it?".

So, the answers to this question may be the following:

  • The first thing that comes to the head is to cut the bloom. It is possible to crop it, however, we do not get rushing with this business. Firstly, orchid is powered by substances that are contained in the coloring and premature removal it is simply deprived of the plant of its natural nutrition. Secondly, perhaps a little dried flower, this is not the end.
  • So, if you see that the arrow has acquired a dry stick of yellow, brown, dark violet or pink and you still eager to remove it - boldly cut off. Cut better either "under the root" or leave one sleeping kidney at the same time. If you are looking for another way out of the situation - see options further.
  • You can trim only the top of the arrow. Thus come in the case when they want to force orchid again blooming. It acts very simple: cutting up the arrow only to the first sleeping kidney, it will make your beauty concentrate all your strength on the development of a new kidney, which is subsequently may give you a magnificent and beautiful bloom. At the same time, it is important to know, it is not necessary to cut under the mail, but at least for a couple of cm from it.
  • And here is another, perhaps the easiest way out of the situation - just do not touch either the flower nor the arrow. Sometimes inaction is also an option. So you can only act if the flower is full of strength, healthy and its appearance does not cause you no fear.

What to do with the arrow, based on the flower condition?

You must choose one of the possible options based on the flower condition, for example:

  • If the orchid is healthy and strong, then the already dried arrow can be left.
  • If the arrow is still green, but the orchid has already been filmed, then you can leave the blooming only under such conditions: it is necessary to water the plant much less often, you need to completely exclude all the feeder of the flower, it is best to rearrange orchid into a room where the air temperature is about 18 degrees, but it is important, So that there was light, if you want to cause re-blossom to observe the temperature of the flower and day, and at night.
  • If you have noticed that the orchid "carefully" got rid of all the flowers of the flowers, and the floweros at the same time green and safely grows, and the bouton was formed only one and then from above - here it is necessary to act immediately. In this case, it is best to at least shorten the arrow, but as a maximum - cut it off.

As you can see, act in such a situation can be completely different. Before you finally decide, appreciate the condition of your orchid, read the necessary recommendations and only then proceed.

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