What tires are better in winter: spikes or velcro

What tires are better in winter: spikes or velcro

Change the rubber with the onset of winter season is simply necessary. But her choice is not the lungs. Tire manufacturers every year more and more surprise a variety of assortment. But the main question in choosing a type of tire is spikes or velcro?

Studded tires have long won the authority from motorists. Due to the deep tread, soft rubber provides excellent movement in the snow. The spikes help control the car on the icing road, clinging to the road surface. The spike location facilitates control and while driving, and during braking.

By cons of studded rubber can be attributed to the fact that it is noise when moving and creates vibration. The fuel consumption on the car increases slightly. With very fast spike ride, we can wear or fly away. High-quality studded rubber is enough for about 3 seasons.


In the manufacture of tire-lipukek, the main thing is moderation in rigidity of rubber. The car on such tires manage both on a wet road and in the snow. A specific tread pattern allows tires to provide adhesion with an expensive.


Velcro is more suitable for riding around the city, where they rarely meet garbage. The clutch with ice in such tires is much worse than those studded. At high air temperature, the tires become very soft, which also worsens the control of the car.


When choosing winter shoes for the machine should not save. It is better to buy a better product and feel confident driving at any time of the year.

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