What documents are needed to refinance the loan

What documents are needed to refinance the loan

When the term of your first loan is coming to an end, but you do not have the opportunity to pay it on time, it is better to refinance. This is a special type of lending, which the bank issues solely on the repayment of existing loans from the client. On average, a bet on such a loan ranges from 12% to 16%, and the maximum amount is very often three million rubles. Learn more about refinancing in this article.

What loan to choose to refinance

Immediately the question arises: what bank to contact? It often happens such that the bank in which you pay a loan does not have programs for refinancing your own loans. Then you will have to contact any other bank, the conditions in which you will arrange.

The main difference between making refinancing in your bank or new is a pledge. In a bank where you already have a loan, you do not have to reissue a deposit, as it will just go to another loan. In your new bank will have to make a new document on the deposit that was in the old bank.

It is important to take into account that not all banks can refinance any type of lending, for example, Bank Raiffeisen refinances only loans for cars, Uniastrum can convert cards and small loans. The most popular banks - Sberbank and VTB24 offer refinancing programs in almost all directions.

How to calculate online refinancing payments

You can learn an approximate rate and try to calculate the upcoming payments of the house, however, so you do not get the exact number. On the sites of the largest banks there are special calculators that will make all the work for you.

For example, take VTB24. Go to official website of the bank And fill out the questionnaire. First, specify the amount you have not yet extended for the current loan. You can adjust the monthly payment if you decide that you can pay more or want to give less.

The credit rate for refinancing is always fixed, so there is no meaning to change its meaning. You can take more funds from the bank if you needed funds on other expenses. This will affect the amount of the loan and its payments.

If you are satisfied with the bank offered by the bank, then apply for lending at once, simply by clicking on the "Fill Application" button.

Here you have to enter all information about you and your loan, after which you will be contacted by the Bank's specialists and offer to come personally.

Document package for refinancing

It is important to collect a complete package of documents for registration, so as not to tighten with the terms. You will need:

  • Questionnaire for the borrower. You can fill it in advance at home, printing. Here You can see an example of such a questionnaire;
  • Your passport and copies of all his pages;
  • Confirmation of your financial status: Help 2 NDFL from work, extract from a personal account;
  • Information about your current loan: bank details, interest rate, date of conclusion, validity period, as well as the amount and currency of this loan;
  • Help on the balance of credit debt. It is issued in a bank, issued a loan.

If you take a refinancing loan to repay a loan on the map, you will need additionally extract from the personal account on the transactions held.

What do you get on the refinancing results

So you can change the timing of your lending, monthly payments and interest rate. What is most important, you can combine all loans in one, and make a single payment once a month.

It is important to remember that the amount of such a loan may not exceed three million rubles, and the payment time is five years.

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