How the current detects

How the current detects

If you would like figure out, how depends current from voltage, necessary for start recall from school programs, what that current, a what that voltage. Electric currenttraffic on defined trajectories charged particles, their also call electrons. V school tutorial on physics this value had following designationI. and called force tok. Voltage it has designation U., and this is, v generalthen, difference potentials, which are located on plots end electric chains. Thanks to it condition electrons move like movement fluid.

1) Measure forces tok and voltage

Directlyproportional addiction between these two described values described enough for a long time, and called law Ohm.For measurements forces tok used magnitude ampere. For definitions forces tok v electric chains  usually used special device, he called ammeter.

For togo to measure voltage, usually used special devicevoltmeter, a unit measurementsvolt.
For visuality, if w. you there is possibility, you you can collect electric chain. Her components will be: resistor, directly a source tok, also need ammeter and such device how voltmeter.

V first queue try close chain, when on her will pass current, look on indications, which show both device. After of this change voltage on ends resistance. In second case  v comparison with first you celebrate, what indications on screen ammeter become increase at increase voltage, respectively and vice versa. Holding  this obvious will help obviously see this described v law Ohm. directlyproportional addiction between silia tok and voltage.

2) Traffic electric tok

Describe electric current can how something, similar thread fluid, this is comparison posted for visuality. V dann thread  all charged particles move not v cavities pipe, a on defined conductor. V addiction from material conductor  character movement particles maybe to be various. For togo to follow quantitative description this phenomena, was applied value R.. R.this value called resistance electric chains, measured this value v Omah.
Value forces tok will increase v addiction from heost voltage  and reduction resistance plot. chains, exactly this addiction and described v law Ohm.: I. = U./R..

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