To many people, it is necessary to quite often calculate the percentages from some number. Bank employees consider interest on deposits and arrived, Technologists and engineers - various deviations of the parameters from the norm, accountants should be determined by taxes or salary. In these and many other cases it is necessary to be able to calculate the percentage of the number.
According to the rules in order to calculate any percentage of the number, the number should be divided by 100, and the result is multiplied by the number of percent. For example, employee wages per month amounted to 25,000, then 13% of income tax from this amount will be: 25000/100 * 13 \u003d 3250.
Many users of the MS Excel office program know that you can also calculate the required percentage. To do this, you need to dial the following combination of characters: \u003d n * n% and press ENTER, where N-number, N-number percent. For example, to calculate how much it will be 13% of 10,000, it is necessary to dial in the cell: \u003d 10,000 * 13% and press ENTER. Answer will appear - 1300.
On the usual calculator you can also calculate interest. To do this, perform a sequence. Dial the number of percent (% not set icon), then any of the characters "+", " –», X "or" / ". Then enter the initial number and click on the% icon. The arithmetic action sign in this case is the separator between numbers. For example: 13% of 25,000 is considered as follows. 13 + 25000%. On the screen lighten 3250.
In the same way, interest is considered in the standard personal computer calculator. In case your calculator has an engineering type, open the View tab and check the "Normal" checkbox.
Now that you know a few ways how to calculate the required percentage. And you can use, depending on the situation, one way or another. But whatever method you chooseIf in doubt about the correctness of the result, it is best to check counting in another formula.
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