How to fill out a notice of handing a custom letter

How to fill out a notice of handing a custom letter

As a rule, forms about the delivery of a customized letter in Russian Post look equally for a long time, so the sample of their filling will not be superfluous. In addition, in other postal companies, the blanks are very similar to the one that is discussed in this article.

How to fill the front side of the notification of handing a custom letter

On the main side of the form at the very top, put a tick or cross on the form of your letter, in this example "Custom". On the second line it is required to make personal data: the surname, name and patronymic of who is sent to the notice.
Now specify the return address of the recipient notification, in most cases this is the address of your sender.

How to fill in the opposite side of the notification of the handpowering

  • The first line indicates the type and category of the received letter. Do not forget your letter to custom.
    On the second line, write the surname, the name and patronymic of the person who received a letter, that is, you. Also enter your address.

  • Do not forget that you get a registered letter, which means to fill out a notice of the presentation, you will not succeed without a passport and personal presence. The postman must with you specify the date of receipt and ask you to put a signature.

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