The appointment of the "impact sensor" device is a reaction to the physical effect on different parts of the car. It is an integral part of most security systems. The sensor should be very sensitive to shocks, but do not respond to outside sounds: noise passing machine, thunder blow. With a slight impact on the wheel or body, it makes a short warning signal that the machine is protected by the security system, with a strong impact - the siren gives a complete alarm set. To divide the reaction to strong and weak blows, the sensor has two triggering zones.
There is no regulations on the installation of shock sensor. You can install inside the cabin or the body metal. The best place in the center of the cabin on the shield between the windscarette and the lounge is to ensure the uniformity of the sensor response to the blow along each of the parts of the car. To avoid false positives, the sensor needs to fasten well. Do not install it on the bottom of the car, it will work from resonance passing heavy vehicles.
Currently, in low-cost security systems, the scheme and sensitive element are installed directly on the main signaling fee. It is economical, looks beautiful, but reduces the quality of the sensor. It is too difficult to choose the appropriate installation of the electronic board to ensure that it provides the best sensitivity to the blow and was inaccessible for car hijackers.
Four shutter sensor wires are connected to a special connector on the main signaling board, which has four outputs for this. The device itself in the factory configuration joins the body using bilateral tape. But usually for the reliability of car owners prefer fastening on a self-tapping screw or with a special fastener.
Different ways to set the sensitivity sensitivity are used. One of them is semi-automatic. In the training mode, the installer produces light and strong blows on the body. The built-in microprocessor remembers and share these blows on the intensity. Easy setup hides a big drawback: strong and weak blows on the bus and the body may not be misunderstood.
The second way to set up - by hand. Performed during sensor installation via resistors on its panel. One of the resistors is responsible for the alarm system responds to a heavy blow, the second - for the warning sound of the weak.
sensor configuration is done "trial." Both the regulator set to zero (turn all the way). The sensitivity of the alarm zone gradually add on (do wrapping circle 1-2). Proceed in a similar manner when setting the alarm sensitivity zone. Most often, setting the zone requires 1-2 turns greater than the sensitivity of the warning area.
To check the configuration of the sensor, close the door of the car and turn on the alarm. Wait a while - about 1 minute. Tapping on different parts of the machine, check the alarm reaction in general. Decide what level of shock sensor sensitivity stop. Setting warning zones and alarm are performed separately. During setup a little tightening up resistors, until you get the best result. This method of setting a longer time, but more reliable.
The main element of the shock sensor is its sensing element which converts physical impact to an electrical signal. Shock sensors, depending on the type of the element, is divided into: microphone, piezoceramic, electromagnetic, analog and digital (microprocessor-based).