How to create a wifi point on a laptop

How to create a wifi point on a laptop

To date, Wi-Fi technology is greatly popular among World Wide Web users. Free access to wireless networks are installed at airports, train stations, cafes and shopping centers. Sometimes it is required to create such a network in the office or at home. This is relevant in the presence of several working devices - PCs, laptops, smartphones, etc. Below we will look at how to create WiFi access on a laptop with Windows 7 for the subsequent distribution of the connection to the above devices.

First we will work with the command line. It opens with administrator rights. To do this, call the Start menu and enter the "CMD" command in the search field.

Then, on the label with the right mouse button, select the "Startup on behalf of the administrator" graph. A window appears, where you need to enter such commands: "netshwlansethostednetworkmode \u003d allowsd \u003d" EVRIKAK "Key \u003d" MyPassword "keyusage \u003d persistent." Here "EVRIKAK" is a network name, and "MyPassword" is a password.
After pressing "ENTER" shows a message about the successful network creation. Now you should run it. In the same window we write the team "NetshwlanstarthostedNetwork". All, the first step of creating a WiFi access point is done, we work on.

Now check the network. To do this, we go to the control panel and find the "Network and Shared Access Control Center". Here we click "Change the parameters of the adapter." We are convinced that among the wireless connections there are something we created. There must be the name of the network (we have "Evrikak)." Go to the last step.

The network itself is already created, you can, entering the password, connect the desired device. Now, to work all start, you need to connect the Internet. This means that to configure the WiFi access point, you must allow the newly created network to use the connection. In practice, it is easier than in words. So, again go to the "Adapter Settings" menu and, among other connections, looking for an Internet channel WiFi network.

Then we open it "Properties" with the transition to the "Access" tab. Talk mark "Allow other network users network management to connect to the Internet", as well as "Allow other network users to use the Internet connection to the Internet."

By pressing "OK", our created network will be connected to the Internet. Work, as you can see, simple and quite forces even a novice user. Have a successful surfing on the networks of the network!

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Rustam 01/21/2016 at 22:12

a if it does not have a file?


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