How to create an image of ISO Windows 7

How to create an image of ISO Windows 7

Any operating system is not protected by one hundred percent of unforeseen pains, breakdowns, failures. Windows 7 is no exception. In order not to lose the valuable system settings that you have long adjusted for a long time, it is recommended to create a disk image with an ISO expansion at least once every six months. In this way, you will protect yourself from long and tedious recovery after failures or breakdowns of the operating system. You can write the received file to a DVD, a memory card, or any other digital media. And at the right time simply download it back. If you still decided to do this, follow the instructions in this article.

Creating an ISO image for Windows 7 through the official site of Microsoft

Not so long ago, the company's software developer made it possible to users to independently generate image files directly through the official website. To do this, follow the link:

Before starting work, make sure that your medium accommodates more than 4 GB of memory, as well as a stable Internet connection:

  • go on the link above and read the next to the Soviets and Instructions,
  • scroll down the page down and you will see the key input field of your Windows 7 product,

  • now roll the browser and go to the control panel,
  • select the "System and Security" tab,

  • in the window that appears, click on the "System" section,

  • you will immediately direct to the page where the activation key of your product is in the bottom. Carefully rewrite it into the browser string and click "Check",

  • wait until the system check your Windows 7 and the relevance of its license. The process will take from minute to five. If everything is in order with the key, then the utility in the browser will immediately create the ISO image of the entire system. If something is wrong with the key, you are not suitable for other reasons, go to the second point of instructions.

Creating an ISO image of Windows 7 without third-party programs

  • You can create an image in your computer without installing excess software. To do this, go to the control panel and find the "Archiving and Recovery" section.

  • In the left window that appears, find the link "Creating a System Image" link. Click on it.

  • Wait a few minutes until Windows finds all ways to create and write images.

  • The system will automatically open in front of you all possible options for recording media. Most likely, you will be three options: "Hard disk", "DVD carrier" and "Network Placement". If you have a DVD disc, insert it and select the second way.

  • If only one disk on your computer is on the screenshot below, you can't have to choose. If the disks are somewhat, then you can choose one of them either all. Click on the "Archive" button to start writing an ISO image to disk.

  • If you have chosen the third option: network accommodation, the process will be slightly different. Please note that the file may not be protected in the network location.

  • Enter the network location address.

After pressing the "OK" button, copy will begin. It is also possible to recording manually images through programs such as Daemon Tools. The process is very similar, but takes a few more time. To do this, download the program, mount the image in it and burn it to the digital media.

If you could not create an image of Windows 7 after all the above items, then it may be easier for you to download ready-made ISO images from the Internet.

Several interesting words about windows 7 images you can learn from the video below:

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