How to remove the top cover of the washing machine

How to remove the top cover of the washing machine

Any household appliances sooner or later fails, and it does not matter how much you bought and what kind of manufacturer. If it happened, and you decided to repair it yourself, then this process in any case should begin with removing the lid with a washing machine. Let's talk about how to do it right, quickly without consequences for you and washing machine.

Causes of the need to remove the lid

If the user decided to remove the cover of the washing machine, it means that he pursues some purpose. In addition to being removing the lid with a washing machine. In fact, the reasons why such a need may occur may be a lot:

  • Often, breakdowns happen in bulk valve and in order to get there. In any case, you will have to remove the lid. If it happened so that the residual amount of water does not come into the washing machine. Then first of all, it is necessary to believe the drain valve, and not to disassemble the whole typewriter (for this you will also need to remove the lid).

  • If you have noticed that the powder is not completely washed off from a special cell, it means that the reasons for such behavior can be two - either you raude too much powder (which is unlikely or need to check the powder acceptor, for which it will be necessary to remove the device under consideration .
  • In case the washing machine for incomprehensible reasons refuses to drain the water at the right time, it means that the user will have to remove the cover and check the operation of the pressost. Most often, it is not subject to repair, it is easier to just buy a new one and install it in the place of non-working.
  • The counterweights in the washing machines are rare, but still, such a breakdown has a place to be, so if you need to check its performance, then without removing the lid, it is also not to do.
  • If you try very well, you can even remove the drum with a tank only after dismantling the cover of the machine.
  • Power supply The machine is an important component, but, unfortunately, it is often that problems happen to him. Some do not know and inexperienced users in this case begin to parse the machine from below and make a serious error, because you can simply remove the cover from the machine and get to the network filter.
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    detailed instructions
  • To date, in anyone even the most small village there are people who are engaged in the repair of household appliances, so if it breaks. There is always someone to contact. The main thing in this business is to remember that this kind of service is paid, and the small these amounts are difficult to call. So, the best option when breakdown washing machine - to try to repair such a technique yourself, no matter how there it was, but in any case, if you decide to cope with the breakdown on your own, you will need to remove the cover on the washing machine and how to do it correctly, We will tell you right now.

The process of removal and all the nuances of this process:

  • To begin with, before proceeding to any processes related to the repair of household appliances, it is necessary to turn it off from the network (completely de-energize). This is the first step in the preparation of the machine to repair.
  • Do not forget that it will also be necessary to overlap the water supply to the typewriter (otherwise it is fraught with negative consequences and for the repairman and for the bathroom).
  • Now push the washing machine from the wall in such a way that you can easily approach her from any side and do it not alone, but with an assistant (so it will come to the middle of the bathroom, and if it is small, endure into another room).

  • Preparatory work completed, you can proceed to the lid removal:
  • First of all, go out the washing machine, so that you would be behind her.
  • On the rear panel you will see two screws. They are located right below the protrusion of the lid, which is at the top of the machine (immediately near the upper corners). They will have to get rid of them to immediately, because they are the main holders of the cover of your washing machine. Without this process, it will not be possible to remove the lid.
  • When the screws are already removed, put them there so that you do not forget the place of their location (as often it happens). After that, you can take on the lid and preferably do it for several edges.
  • So simple, despite the fact that no screws are no longer able to remove the lid. Here you will need to apply some efforts to work out this. It will be necessary to pull it until it goes to several centimeters.
  • Now the lid can be completely removed and put down to the side.
  • Here is the whole process of dismantling the cover of the washing machine. Thus, you can remove the lid from any modern washing machine, regardless of its manufacturer, such as. The only thing that can affect the sequence of actions when removing the lid is the type of download in it (for example, the upper load).
  • Now you know how simple and quickly remove the cover with a washing machine and why it may be needed. In the event that you acted according to the instructions described above. But the lid is not removed anyway, it means that you make more efforts, most likely, it is simply jammed.

Remove the lid and get to the insides of the part of the washing machine is easy and unauthorized assistance you will not need exactly in this process. Masters in this case are not necessary.

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