The last days remained before the first snow loss, and no one knows, there will be a layer of 2 centimeters or in 22. You need to be prepared for everything, so so that there are no problems with the notes and methods of movement, it is necessary to armared by the necessary tools in this case An excellent option will be a snow scrub. It is this device that is used to clean snow in a variety of situations. Let's take a closer look at how you can make this tool against snow with your own hands and find out if it is possible at all.
Scraper for snow
In order for the campaign from the house, garage and other structures, nothing bothered in a snowy period, it is necessary to clear the snow immediately after he fell. Then it is much easier, which means that time and strength for his cleaning will also need a little. If the snow is not removed for a long time, it is covered. He is heavy and if he starts to melt, get rid of this quashen will be very difficult.
To make this all happened, you should always have a scraper at hand, with which you quickly and just get rid of snow mound.
Sometimes, it is these elementary to the structure of the device can help with strong notes and other similar situations. If, in the case of urban residents, the utilities are removed near the entrances and houses, the residents of country and private houses will have to independently remove the snowy drifts near their doors, so that without a scraper in this situation just can not do.
Criterias of choice
To date, you can find quite a lot of diverse types of tools. There are mechanical scrapers and manual. It is clear that the hand scrapers are an order of magnitude less than mechanical. Despite this factor, all the products under consideration possess the following advantages:
- durable
- lungs
- handle from high-quality material
- thermal conductivity in this case low
You need to understand what exactly the scraper should be selected on these criteria.
Specialists recommend using aluminum with independent manufacture of a scraper. This material and lightweight, and at the same time distinguished by a high level of strength. It turns out that using a scraper from aluminum is very simple, because it is light. At the same time, the MPC is high, which means that the snow will fall down and simply and quickly.
Immediately, I would like to note that mechanical models that you can purchase in specialized stores in quality and practicality is no worse than scrapers, which you can make your own hands from the remedies.
Scraper in the shape of a shovel
The most optimal and widespread option in the case under consideration is a scraper in the form of a shovel. In order to accomplish the following tools and materials:
- Aluminum sheet (not too thin). It is recommended to take a size of 50 by 30 cm.
- Tree handle. You can use a shovel cutter if it is available.
- Details for connecting elements between themselves (nails, screws, etc.).
The process of manufacturing a scraper with their own hands as follows:
- Take a sheet of aluminum of the specified size and bend the upper edge in such a way that on this end it turned out the board, about 4-6 cm high.
- In order to create the most functional design, it is advisable to be bought by a similar method and board from two sides.
- The shovel for folding the snow is ready, it remains only to attach a wooden handle to it and the scraper is ready to operate, and, quite long, if all the elements are connected properly.
Now let's look at a slightly different way to manufacture the tool under consideration for snow cleaning in the yard, behind it, near the door, etc.:
- First we make fires for our future shovels. It is best to take a hundred pine for these purposes. Do not forget to immediately make a small rack from a similar material.
- Take the iron sheet (it is recommended that iron in this case it was galvanized). The size of such a sheet should be approximately 70 by 75 cm.
- Now we attach our sides to the iron leaf. You can do it with self-draws, and screws, the main thing is that the fastening is durable and durable.
- The next step is to attach the rail, it will also be a handle for our clip, to a sheet of iron. In order not to bother not much, you can take the most ordinary holder from the shovel as the handle. In this case, the main criterion will be the ease of handles and the level of its fortress.
- It should not also forget that the finished product should not be too big and bulky, because it will be problematic to move it to the garage, the house of the shed, it will also be difficult to put it in the trunk. It should be borne in mind that the dimensions of the created scraper must be comfortable, so, have this factor in view of the manufacture of the resistant to clean the snow.
- Often, a scraper for cleaning snow is also taken with crash drivers on the road, and this is no accident. Imagine if you get stuck somewhere in the field in the notes. It is unlikely that you can very quickly push snow from under the wheels and the bodies manually, and the adaptation under consideration will become relevant to all 100%.
Now you definitely have been convinced that it's not a problem with your own hands without extraordinary help, and the cost of such a device will be minimal that save money in your wallet and nerves. The creation process is completely simple, if you know what goes for what, and this we all outlined in the instructions above in the text.