How to translate with kiwi to webmoney

How to translate with kiwi to webmoney

Transfer of funds between electronic wallets is a daily necessity in the modern world. If you operate accounts in Qiwi Wallet and Webmoney, you can replenish one wallet with personal means and translate them to the second directly from the personal account. In the Kiwi wallet there is a special option - Binding WebMoney account: So you can perform any operations between two payment systems instantly, the need to introduce your data before sending the payment. In this article, you will learn how to quickly associate two accounts and send a payment from Kiwi on WebMoney.

How to translate with kiwi to webmoney

It does not matter at all, you send the funds from your personal computer or mobile application from Kiwi: one commission on this type of translation in the wallet.

  • Go to the official website of QIWI Wallet And click on the "Login" field in the upper right corner of the screen. If you enter a mobile application, then log in with a different way.

  • Enter your phone number to which the account is registered. Below, specify your password if you have forgotten it, you can restore the password by the "Remind" link.

  • Once in the Personal Account, you need to find the "Pay" tab under the search string.

  • Among the sets of categories, find "payment services". She is at the very bottom of the site - just scroll down the page down until it stops.
  • In this category, click on the "WebMoney" row.

You will need such information about your wallet:

  • Special wallet code from twelve digits. It is in your webmoney account in the "Wallets" tab. Do not enter by chance the WMID number instead of the purse number - the payment will not pass. Pay attention to the fact that the wallet should be ruble. The QIWI system does not work with dollar and any other currency wallets.
  • In the second line, select the QIWI account, which will be paid.
  • Enter the amount in rubles.

  • Click "Pay" to make a payment or "Schedule" to postpone the payment for a certain time.
  • Commission QIWI Wallet - 3% of the amount. Webmani also has its own commission for crediting funds with kiwi - 2% of the amount. As a result, you get a figure of five percent.
  • The minimum amount of replenishment is 10 rubles, the maximum is 15,000 rubles.

  • Track your payment in the "History" tab.

How to translate with kiwi to webmoney through the phone

Another way to make payment. Your kiwi account is associated with a phone number, moreover, they have one account. You can pay for services and goods directly from your mobile without having an Internet connection. To do this, send such a message:

  • Enter the recipient number 7494.
  • This type of type: 56 RXXXXXXXXXXX.

Where 56 is the payment code, that is, payment for webmoney. After him, you enter the number of the ruble wallet through the space.

How to tie a kiwi wallet with webmoney

Simplify the procedure for transferring funds. After binding one account to another, you can carry out instant payments.

  • Go to the "Settings" menu in the upper right corner of the Kiwi wallet.

  • In the list on the left, select the "New Account" string.

  • List the page down to see the item "Money Transfers between Visa Qiwi Wallet Wallet and WebMoney", click on it.

  • Next, click "Bind".

You will need quite a lot of data:

  • His passport number.
  • Surname, name and patronymic. Record them from the document.
  • Webman's wallet number.
  • Set the translation limit, for example, three thousand rubles per day or ten thousand per month and so on.

After entering information, click "Tie". Now go to your webmoney wallet to confirm this action. Your phone will also receive an SMS message with the operation verification code. As soon as the wallets contact, you can send money from Kiwi on webmoney in just one click. Sending will occur instantly.

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