Nowadays, some online stores and services accept only virtual money, such as Webmoney, Yandex Money or Kiwi Wallet. Until now, webmoney remains the most popular platform. You can freely register in the system, create wallets and make payouts. But be careful, not so long ago amendment was published, according to which the withdrawal of funds on a bank card can be carried out only with a formal level of certificate. You can get a certificate later by reading the rules of the site. Get registered:
Go to the site In the upper corner you will see the yellow "Registration" button. Click on it.
You will find yourself at the first stage of creating your account. Enter the phone number that use most often. Click on the "Continue" button.
Now in the first field enter the date of your birth. It is important to do exactly, since when receiving a formal certificate, your data will be checked. Email is indicated in the second field, and the third and fourth you are inventying the control question and the answer to it, in the event of a password.
Put or remove the ticks opposite the news and advertising. Put a tick next to the processing of your personal data, without this, you will not be able to register in the system.
Click "Continue" at the bottom of this page.
Check your data on the screen. If you find a mistake, click on the green button "Back" to correct. If everything is true, click "Continue."
Come up with the password, repeat it input and enter the captcha. All fields are on the right side of the screen. You will also see a message that your phone number is now and login. It is needed for subsequent login inputs.
When you finish entering, click "OK".
To end the registration you need to create any wallet. Just put a tick near the phrase "I accept the terms of this agreement" and click "Create".
Now you can create wallets in any currency for personal use. Click on the blue plus to the left above and in the drop-down list, select "Create a wallet".
In the column "currency", deploy the entire list and select the desired one. For example, ruble. Put a tick next to the "I accept the terms of this Agreement" and click "Create".
This is how to create any desired wallet.
To familiarize yourself with the rules for the use of the service, as well as learn the possibilities of your wallets, click on the phrase "about the service" to the left. You will unfold multiple tabs. Each of them contains useful information about the webmoney service.
So you created a wallet in Webmoney just for nine steps.