How to calculate the price of an apartment

How to calculate the price of an apartment

Each man sooner or later faces the question of calculating the tax on the apartment. The tax calculation system is constantly updated, therefore the method of calculating it changes.

How to calculate the price of an apartment

To fulfill the calculations of the tax amount, it is necessary to calculate the cadastral value for real estate. It must be borne in mind that 1 time in 3 years it will change.

How to calculate the tax on an apartment - where to find out the cadastral value

In order to determine the price, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • go to the Rosreestra website;
  • find the "Services" tab in the menu;
  • another tab will appear with reference, which you need to go;
  • a page with a certain information regarding the object of real estate will be opened;
  • it will be a form for filling and you will need to enter either the address of the apartment or the cadastral number;
  • click the "Generate Inquiry" button;
  • enter the address of the apartment again. The data tab opens.

Note: For receiving data from the registry, you must pay a duty if the request is made in electronic form. Its size is 150 rubles. If you submit a request to the cadastral ward, then the data can be obtained for free. In both cases, the answer will be obtained within 5 days.

Next, determine the 3-level tax rate:

  • if the apartment is located in a residential building, the tax rate will be equal to 0.1%;
  • luxury expensive real estate will have a tax rate of 2%.

Start the calculation. To do this, it is necessary to conduct uncomplicated calculations. Example: if a person is the only owner of one-bedroom apartment, which is 35m 2, then:

  • at first, he must learn the cadastral value, let it be 180 thousand rubles;
  • further, from the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment you need to take a deduction of tax, which extends to 20 m 2;
  • those 15 M. 2which remained, will have the cadastral value of 180 thousand rubles, so these two numbers need to multiply and the number of 2 million 700 thousand rubles will be obtained;
  • given the 3-level bid on the apartment, you can get 2,700 rubles, it will be the size of an annual tax on this apartment.

If a person is the owner not all, but only part of the apartment, then:

  • first, the tax deduction from the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is subtracted;
  • next, it is necessary to divide the cadastral value for the entire merar;
  • multiply the taxable area for the cost of 1 m 2;
  • multiply a share on a taxable area;
  • calculate the amount of the tax taking into account the 3-level tax.

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