To prevent a hacking account and theft of confidential information, choose really reliable passwords. Follow the recommendations listed below.
Do not use standard combinations of symbols like “ytsuken”, “password”, 00000, 11111, 12345678, Admin, Password, Qwerty, etc. They are easy to choose even manually.
Do not put your date of birth as a password, phone number, names of relatives or second halves and the like. Collecting data about a person is not so difficult. We lay out all the information necessary for the attacker ourselves in social networks.
The longer the password, the more reliable it is. It should have at least 8-10 characters or more.
Use words that are not in the dictionary as a password. This can be a meaningless combination of signs compiled using any password generator. Such passwords are difficult to hack, but difficult to remember. If you want to choose something reliable and at the same time easily memorable, use rare technical terms, slang, jargonisms, really existing, but also distorted words. The password should be as far as possible in writing from the word that is taken as a basis. Use special systems for this, alternate lowercase and capital letters, replace the letters similar in terms of descent with numbers.
The further depends on your imagination. The main thing, do not forget just in case, save the password in a text file or a regular notebook, even if now it seems to you that it is impossible to forget it.