How to beat the fist?

How to beat the fist?

Anyone may be in a situation where you have to use fists to protect yourself or a loved one. You need to know how to strike, how to block it, how to move in the duel, because the outcome of the battle may depend on one wrong movement.

Right stand

Get up opposite your opponent, slightly turning sideways, left side (if you are left-hand, then, respectively, right) to a person with whom you fight. Do not turn completely perpendicular to the body, just follow your non-dominant foot and hips. This makes you a less convenient goal and gives you the opportunity to invest more in the blow.

  • Save a steady position. Do not forget about the center of gravity (if you are right-handed, the main support should be on the right leg, if left-handed, then on the left).
  • Raise your hands up to the head, your unfair hand should be near the eye, and your dominant hand (the one you will strike) - next to the chin. Hands should be compressed in a fist so you can quickly strike or go in defense.

Specify the fist

The tips of the fingers rest in the padline pads. Start squeezing the fist is not with the mother's (as instinctively occurs in the usual life), but from the index finger. Then the fist will be smooth, which eliminates the possibility of injury to the fingers. The thumb lies on the joints of the index and middle fingers.

Of course, in an emergency, you will no longer think about how to squeeze the fist, so it is better to practice in advance to bring this movement to automatism. Do not squeeze the fist too much, excessive tension will worsen blood circulation and slow down.

Apply straight blows

Inexperienced people, as a rule, try to apply disorderly blows, without controlling their direction. It is worth learn to apply a straight blow, right between you and your opponent, and not the "round" beat side.

  • The power of the impact depends on the movement of your body as much as on the strength of your hand. If you put yourself in a blow, it will make it much more powerful. Practice in the gym with a boxing pear to learn how to strike with all the body, putting in every blow.

Strive to beat into vulnerable places on the enemy's body

If you try to break the knuckles of your fingers about the jaw or the cheek of your opponent, you can apply more damage yourself. It is better to beat the center of the face - the nose, in particular, is the most soft and painful place to strike. Even more efficiently blows in the throat and groin (but if you have matured with a friend, it is better not to use cruel "dirty" techniques, but in a dangerous situation, in a real street fight, such techniques can save your life).

Apply fast, sharp blows

Determine the goal and apply fast sharp blows by means of exactly in target. The winner in battle is not the one who tries to apply as much as possible beats, but the one who causes the greatest number of blows with the greatest force.

  • Do not forget to trace the movement of the strike. Imagine that you are striking what is actually about five centimeters behind the goal, and what you want to break through it.

To win in a fist combat, you can use not only fists

Boots head - the most undervalued combat technique. The ride of the most solid part of your body - forehead - in the most soft part of the face of your opponent - the nose - quickly finish the fight.

  • In formal sports battles, such as boxing, headbands are illegal, but if you defend yourself, do not lose time by playing by the rules of sport.

Be in the form

As a rule, the battle in real life, unlike films, lasts long, but if the fight is dragged, well, if you can hold out for a few minutes without extinguish. If you have overweight problems, the weakness of the muscles or the deficiency of endurance, it is difficult to win a fight.

  • An ideal option will be the occupation of martial arts, so you will acquire both the right technique and the form, and self-confidence.
  • If you do not have time or desire to engage in any kind of martial arts, then sign up into the fitness club or do exercises at home. Completely perform squats and pushups.

Excuse fear

When you enter into battle, fear is a number one factor between victory and beating. Do not be afraid of pain. Adrenaline during the battle so jumps that you are unlikely to feel strong pain until the fight is over. If you think about how much a heavy blow you got, then the pain will be sharper, so do not think about these things while fighting. Just fight.

Even possessing the necessary skills of a fist combat, it is always better to avoid a dangerous situation. If you are thinking if you should fight, the answer will almost always be negative. Fight only when it is really necessary (for example, to protect yourself or another person). Try to resolve the situation before it leads to a fight.


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