How to get into a nursing home

How to get into a nursing home

Unfortunately, years are inexorably running ahead, people are sick and aging. And if old age and illness at the same time fell upon a person, then he is no longer able to serve himself on his own. Many weak and sick people want to save relatives from the latter to take care of them and see their suffering, so they even seek the nursing home. You can get under the custody of the state, but it is not very simple to do it.

Law It is stipulated that a person who does not have able -bodied children and close relatives can live in the nursing home. In addition, he must need outside help, i.e. The old man must also prove that he is not able to serve himself.

If an old person lives on his own and he does not have close relatives, he needs to contact the social service of the area of \u200b\u200bthe city where he lives. You can go to this service yourself, or if a person cannot move, call a specialist by phone. The social service will direct to the needing social worker who will first go to him in order to provide household and social assistance.

If social workers see that a person really cannot serve himself and strive to live in a nursing home, then a special act of examination is drawn up. The act indicates that a person needs constant extraneous care and that he has no relatives who can help him.

In addition to the conclusion of the social service, the old man must also prove that his state of health does not allow him to live independently. It may turn out that a person walks, but the seriousness of his diseases is such that he is not able to buy medicines for his pension. Medical documents help to draw up specialists of the social service who will take the old person for examination.

The background is in the hand

A ticket to the nursing home is issued by the municipal department of social protection of the population when he receives all confirming documents from the district department. In addition to the act of examination and medical report, it is also necessary to send a statement from the old man to the social protection department that he wants to live in a state institution. He should also have documents on compulsory medical insurance, a passport and a pension certificate in his hands. The old man is sent to the nearest municipal institution, while it is possible that the needy can even expect a place. The nursing houses in Russia, unfortunately, are overflowing and accommodating everyone at the same time simply does not have the opportunity.

The alternative to free state institutions can be private nursing homes, which today are already working in all major cities. Anyone can get into a private boarding house for the elderly, the main thing is that he or his loved ones have money to pay for the services of a social institution.

Absolutely all people are waiting for old age, and it is good if the old man has children and grandchildren who will take care of him until the last days. If it happened that in old age a person remained lonely, then you can count on state assistance.

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